Re: Battling to Abusing This is a WAR GAME Limited farming will KILL KAW. Also being stripped and hit is apart of the game. Some do it just for the fun. It happens, it is a Part of the risk and thrill of the game. On that, op, you just opened yourself to being farmed and stripped by PvP players who are bored and looking for a target.
Re: Battling to Abusing Anti-farming threads like this make me want to laugh and face palm at the same time. Oh, and hey Twinky.
Re: Battling to Abusing 1 Full bar of steals clears 3% of whats on hand dependant on size an amount out.."CLEAN" is no easy task, some thing had to transpire with the stripped party Lol 10k+ steals cleared me that time for1.2tril an change
Re: Battling to Abusing Actually, a full bar, which is about 17 stls, will take less than 3%. 39 stls are required to take 3%.