long story short...

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by seth73, Sep 12, 2011.

  1. Pro tip. Next endgame post: 10 years.
    Think that way and you won't be dissapointed.
  2. SETH!!!!!
  3. Seriously, who's this Seth guy? >.<
  4. seth:

    i almost stabbed myself when you said ten years......
  5. Lulz you obviously missed the point then. I mean if you set the bar low, it isn't likely to be lowered and is more likely to be raised.
  6. Lol. XD Write moar. Please. *begs*
  7. Haha, glad to see you're back Seth
  8. That is an old nickname lol
  9. YAY!!! seth is back!!! :D

    hang on a second... :?
    I don't know you do I? :?

    Oh well welcome back anyway :D
    YAY!!! you are back! :|
  10. sethh? what clan were you in i recall you xD