Mkay. Just don't forget to smile. 'Cause that's what it's all about. N stuff.... I should really sleep. Bleh.
What Irin? I have no idea what former and latter and all this other stuff you're talking about is. Freak... @Cheese
I knew what latter it, but the former means previous. so I thought you meant the previous of the latter.
-GASP- It's meeee! Yay! Quite humuros. Probably more so because I'm so tired and I read it in a british accent. But still good nonetheless. @Feather, oh. Well, like I said, something like that. The aztecs left my brain a little scrambled. So did Irin. I'm about to kick her ass 'cause she's annoying me with her boo-hoo crap. Anyway. Back to feedbackin'. Maybe it was the flow of the words? I dunno, like I said, I read a lot today. I'll re-read tomorrow and see if that fixes it.
Is that really how I act... And did d_bo_assassin say that, or Smighter? Cuz it doesn't sound like Smighter. Him and I were friends.
^You do act over-the-top sometimes, and Smighter's a joker so I used that personality. No hard feelings, just having a little fun.