LoKaW Feedback - Both Versions

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by cheesemuffin, Dec 27, 2011.

  1. Iron, feeling ignored is not allowed. What's up?

  2. Lol nah it's all good I'm in lurk mode
  3. Mkay. Just don't forget to smile. 'Cause that's what it's all about. N stuff....
    I should really sleep. Bleh.
  4. Sleep? BAHAHAHAHAAH!!

    This was just a quick intro, I'm off to sleep now :D
  5. What Irin? I have no idea what former and latter and all this other stuff you're talking about is.

    Freak... @Cheese
  6. ^Whats that?

    That was mean...
  7. Lol i enjoyed that cheese.
  8. @feather, Former = first, latter = last. or something like that.

    Is that an update I see?
  9. ^Yes, yes it is :D
  10. I knew what latter it, but the former means previous. so I thought you meant the previous of the latter.
  11. And Cheese, I was kidding... And it's about the bed thing that I was calling you a freak about lol.
  12. -GASP- It's meeee! Yay!

    Quite humuros. Probably more so because I'm so tired and I read it in a british accent. But still good nonetheless.

    @Feather, oh. Well, like I said, something like that. The aztecs left my brain a little scrambled. So did Irin. I'm about to kick her ass 'cause she's annoying me with her boo-hoo crap.

    Anyway. Back to feedbackin'.

    Maybe it was the flow of the words? I dunno, like I said, I read a lot today. I'll re-read tomorrow and see if that fixes it.
  13. Is that really how I act... And did d_bo_assassin say that, or Smighter? Cuz it doesn't sound like Smighter. Him and I were friends.
  14. ^You do act over-the-top sometimes, and Smighter's a joker so I used that personality.

    No hard feelings, just having a little fun.
  15. -.- You made me sad...
  16. *pats feather on back* it's all right champ
  17. That's feather alright. XD
  18. Poor feather  he haz fethorz 
  19. Irin, what was the problem again?
  20. Bump for irin to answer.