LoKaW Feedback - Both Versions

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by cheesemuffin, Dec 27, 2011.

  1. Tigris,

    Don't be so one-sided.

    Feedback mine! :D
  2. YAY! Wait... 4 people left feedback.

    So everyone's input is 1.25... But then I need more pizzaz, so that -25 and it's a little bit too drawn out so that's -25 so that's... 1/2 STARS! W00t!
  3. Lol, cheese yours is just as awesome as feathers, feather has incorporated more elements, but u have made ur story a little more adventurous, I like urs both equally ^^ both amazing fan fictions! :)
  4. Cheese, yours has more pizazz than feathers
  5. Yea, but feather was more creative with making the actual parts of kaw a part of the story
  6. So yea, both equally awesome ^.^ at least in my opinion
  7. I think I'll post a little sneak peak later on...

    THANKS, Tigris! You'll be in it soon! So will the Oracle, and Be — I've said too much!
  8. Np, and POST THE SNEAK PEAK plzzz! Lol I cant wait for it >.<
  9. I need to write it first! And it'll be in the middle of the post this time, so y'all will have to read the beginning this time. And after I post the sneak peak, I'll edit it so y'all will have a normal reading experience instead of having foreshadowing knowledge.
  10. Lol dont edit it too drastically >.>
  11. That sounds fun.
  12. Here's what I'll do:

    #1 Write Sneak Peak.

    #2 Post Sneak Peak.

    #3 Edit Sneak Peak in my writing app.

    #4 Finish the top half of chapter and bottom half, with the Sneak Peak in the middle.
  13. 1) poor shifter0.0.
    Come on lemme see a complete idiot of a charecter pweaaaaase?
  14. 2) Love it Feather- suspense building 
  15. Well done guys!
    They were both so great, but I especially loved the way that feather wrote his! :')
  16. Any Idea when the you'll put some more up?
  17. Yep. In a leetle bit.
  18. I'll keep my eyes peeled.
  19. Feather, you've got yourself some pizazz!

    Castle code ftw!! xD