LoKaW Feedback - Both Versions

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by cheesemuffin, Dec 27, 2011.

  1. -______- I didn't see this feedback thread...
  2. Darn my noobiness :embarrassed:
  3. You're in mine, too. You've had a minor appearance. Your big debut will come soon, though.
  4. How come cheese and feather are writing different versions of the same story?
  5. Because they can
  6. ^We got bored and decided to have a friendly Writing War. That's all :3
  7. "Featherus Hunterio, Guardian of Fan Fiction"
    Glad to see Feather hasn't changed. xD
  8. ^Wait... Your name... Your recognition of Feather's cockiness....

  9. o_O It could be...
  10. I have been on ff before...
  11. you always make the same character bio
  12. Is it terrible?
  13. Because my character bios are always crappy. xD
  14. I put that Guardian of Fan Fic part to annoy d_blows. XD
  15. OMGoodness. Benny, who is so gracious, is gonna delete all posts not made by me and gonna delete my latest one so I can post the edited one! HOW AWESOME IS THAT?

    Please, if it's not an inconvenience, read the edited one. Lots more emotion, detail, description, and introductions. Y'all will love it!
  16. Not bad... Not bad at all...

    I just think it's a leetle bit too drawn out.
  17. It needs some pizazz. Other than that its fabulous.
  18. Feather ur story is great as usual, I love how ur turning this simple little game into this big saga. Lol the way u write it kinda reminds me of Lord of the Rings. Keep up the good work! Can't wait for the next part :3