LoKaW Feedback - Both Versions

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by cheesemuffin, Dec 27, 2011.

  1. {Cheese's Version} Dying for more, need some more pages! I'm absolutely looking forward for what you write next!
  2. How come my new chapter didn't get any feedback?
  3. Maybe nobody saw it?
  4. Maybe because you keep complaining and no one wants to post something that supports someone big headed like you.
  5. Sorry Feather, I side with Paradox.

    Best way to get feedback is not to ask for it.

    -That doesn't mean I haven't asked for it before-
  6. -__- dont worry feather I kinda liked it
  7. Oh, lol. I said OK because I don't care what they think of me. Paradox is just mad because I wasn't intimidated by the threat he sent to me in PM.
  8. Not really no.

    You could ask the FF community what they;
    1. Think of you as a person.
    2. Think of the constant whining about how the self proclaimed king (yes I still remember) of FF isn't getting feedback of his "amazing" story.
  9. Feather can be annoying xD
  10. Of course I can. Who can't, Eagle?
  11. Mr. Never Annoying
  12. Perfect example, the whole lulz thing.

    Anyway, I just realized something: Doubt is the enemy of Faith.
  13. So, I've kinda been busy/stuck in a writing block for the past few days... Hopefully I can write something now.
  14. I figured out the budget thing!