LoKaW Feedback - Both Versions

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by cheesemuffin, Dec 27, 2011.

  1. Sweet... Seems like I got onto
    Fan FIC at the right time
  2. Or I just posted at the right time O_O
  3. Is Serpent still a mod?
  4. I haven't seen him in awhile.
  5. He's on my friend's list :D
  6. Hey cheese your newest chapter is too short :'(
  7. NO IT'S NOT!

    Actually, it is D:
  8. Lol
    Write more next time! Put some more description in I suppose and the plot line I think is slightly lacking for that chapter.
    Basically...just write more
  9. Iron like..... Iron like alot
  10. I'll be trying to write soon. Just give me your thoughts on what you think the next chapter will be about after reading that sentence I posted on the story.
  11. Please do not post on the story unless you are explicitly given permission or are the actual author.

    If you wish to address a question of completion, post it here, along with ANY other statements.

    I WILL continue writing, just not in the immediate future.
  12. 1) I liked how it was more of an older-style version of KaW. It was a nice read for a bored student.

    2) The more modernized version was great too. The writing was very great (Same with Cheese's too) and used great descriptive words.

    3) Both were great reads. They were enjoyable and ate up time while waiting for regen.
  13. How many times did I use "great" in that post?
  14. 1, 2, 3, 4!

    4 Times!
  15. Then that's how great it was.
  16. 4 times was the amount of times this story has been **** on
  17. ^Well, compared to every other story in the world, that puts us at... Pretty damn high in quality.
  18. To post the next chapter, or not to post the next chapter, now THAT is a question worth asking.
  19. Not really, since we all know the answer :D