LoKaW - Feather's Version: Sign Ups

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by FeatherHunter, May 26, 2012.

  1. Lol I think I'll leave it to you, I'm not good at creating deceptive looking characters.
  2. Cheesemuffin

    Around 50 or so

    Usually quiet and easygoing, but very easily goes into a rage state, usually with the intention of stopping an argument or stupid conversations.

    Fairly strong, capable of easy lifting of up to 300 pounds or so. He seems like a bear-mode build, strong-looking, but also a little on the fat side. Is usually seen wearing his set of red robes with belts and pads strapped on the weak points (shoulders, knees, lower area, chest).

    Cheesemuffin can usually be seen silently judging others from afar, occasionally scribbling something into his cartoonishly small notebook.

    Of unknown origin, but it is definite he was born in someone's kingdom, no different than the others.
  3. Name: Luna Candidus (Candi)

    Age: Won't tell anyone her age, but she appears to be quite young.

    Personality: Quick to argue and short-tempered, and usually not very kind to those she doesn't like. Has a habit of avoiding questions. Likes riddles, and tends to purposely mislead people. Likes being mysterious, confusing, and cryptic, and usually is. Hates the majority of feminine things. Much more mature than her age suggests, and much more observant than most others. Overall, quirky, misleading, and snappish.

    Physical Characteristics: Average height, on the slimmer side with longish dark hair and eyes. Not someone who stands out appearancewise. Can usually be seen in more masculine clothing with her hair hidden. Not strong, but agile.

    Hobbies: Will often debate unnecessary things, and likes to talk pointlessly to people she likes. Spends a lot of time thinking of riddles. A skilled poet. Often not seen at all, because of her capability to stay unnoticed, but she is usually alone, either thinking or writing.

    Place of Origin: Born in a small house on the border of the highlands and lowlands.
    Is this okay? I'll probably rewrite it in... *Checks clock* Seven hours. Or eight. Or nine. Sleepover... xD
  4. U can rewrite if you want. It was cool :)
  5. I might.

    I'll make my decision at a more decent hour.
  6. Why did u give me a story arc -_- still can't figure that out
  7. Cuz i wanted to ;)
  8. so if you're writing arc involving me, do I need to sign up.
    Because I can't now but I can in say, 10 hours.
    Because I'm meant to be doing homework.
  9. What time's it over there in ParadoxLand? 7?
  10. 7:07AM
    I'm aiming to get this done by 7:15 so I can do another piece >.<
  11. 2:08...

    Anyways, Feather. What's with the changing-every-five-effing-minutes banner?
  12. Lol cuz I'm mad.
  13. Uh-huh.

    You need Candi therapy! :D

    Don't worry, it doesn't work. It mainly works on people abusing trees.

    "Don't PHYSICALLY abuse the tree. You can verbally abuse the tree, but do not hurt my freaking tree."
    -My counseling.
  14. I can second that xP
  15. Pimella... Interesting character.
  16. Bump for marodo lol
  17. Well I don't think you need all the stuff so here are the ones I think you'll need:

    Physical traits: slightly curly long black hair with dark red streaks. Usually tied back in a ponytail with bangs side flipped. Oval face, orange brown eyes. Average height, slim, petite but strong and well muscled. (Usually underestimated.) "Pretty" but not "hot". Wears a small silver heart locket and small dark blue sapphire studs. Also wears arm and leg guards made of leather. Wears simple, practical clothes and boots(equestrian boot style.) Hides a short dirk in her right boot, quiver of arrows on her back and always carries a bow.(Mostly for hunting purposes though she won't hesitate to shoot down enemies.)

    Origin: City/large town. Knows the ins and outs, good and bad, etc.

    Hobbies: Horse back riding, reading, hunting for prey, poaching(for fun), playing practical jokes(mostly on guards/sentries or friends because it's funny.), dressing up/impersonating people or cross dressing(once in awhile.) and playing the violin.

    If you need more lmk 
  18. Srry didn't read properly:

    Origin: Highlands or lowlands in a city.