Re: PvP Event Shenanigans Great to see I'm being accused of botting I was running back to back xstrals on you as you were open and paying great to get myself in to top 50. I dropped 3 xstrals on you in last 3 minutes of event and that was manually looking for you through cr as as last three minutes and didn't have time to write down your name for copy and paste. Also I was lagging a little to I could have been quicker.
Re: PvP Event Shenanigans I said it was either botting or lag. I ruled out botting when I talked to you.
Re: PvP Event Shenanigans I lagged too but my lag lasted the entire PvP event. I tried casting the opt in spell then lagged until it was over
Re: PvP Event Shenanigans You expect your clan mates to prioritize you over themselves? They are also trying to reach the highest ranking themselves. So selfish, and so childish. Stop blaming others for your stupidity. You were too dumb to unload right before the end of the event. Admit it and move on.
Re: PvP Event Shenanigans INnOUT you have nothing productive to contribute to the thread, please leave or I will have a mod come and forcefully remove you from forums.
Re: PvP Event Shenanigans Funny how he tells INnOUT to leave the thread even tho there is an entire page of people talking about when KAW was first introduced. Truth hurts kid, but sometimes, you need it.
Re: PvP Event Shenanigans The date that the game was released is relevent to the thread in the sense that being out almost 6 years, there is still lag. Bashing and flaming isn't relevant to the thread and will result in be kicked off any other thread too. And the OP isn't 100% about me (believe it or not), it's about bringing awareness of how severe the lag is in the game considering its age. In essence this thread is a PSA about PvP lag and the how it can ruin one's experience.
Re: PvP Event Shenanigans Devs will NEVER admit their servers are slower than molasses, especially during EE wars since s1. They are the ALMIGHTY KNOWING AND NEVER WRONG. Always excuse is: it's your wifi router or internet provider. Screw that lie. Own up to it devs. You suck as a provider in a war game. Quit with the excuses and blatant lies. 4 yrs playing this game on all devices/PC and top of the line router with proven tested wifi speed. You are dead wrong and lies will not help
Re: PvP Event Shenanigans First he tells us that he was on to xtal, and that he was looking for targets. Then he tells us that he was in class, so he did not have time to get on. And that he asked his clan to pin him. Then he blames his clan for his failures. OP stop pulling things out of your ass. Stop lying on forum. No one is stupid enough to fall for it. At least get your story straight before you post it in a public space like forum. Seriously, why do people think that forum is made up only of people that are dumber than they are? I would not quote the op normally, but he might change it later, and I wanted evidence of his lies. I removed the pictures tho, cus they were too bulky.
Re: PvP Event Shenanigans @moremonx I know your incompetence may stop you from understanding this, but I'll attempt to explain it anyways. I was in class, not being able to play as well as I normally can considering I was playing with one hand, hiding my phone under my desk. I checked clan chat, saw a clan member post that they were open, then went and bought an xtal. I then used the xtal and tried to unload on my clan mate, but he was pinned about 30 seconds after he posted that he was open. I then tried hitting a couple of the pure spies I had on my clipboard, but they were dtw. Tried a couple people on my battle list, dtw. I then went to cc and asked them to quickly pin me with assassinations but no such luck. I continued to look through my battle list for a target and that's when I started getting hit. Comprende?
Re: PvP Event Shenanigans dude u just got unlucky that u got Ruby she is cold. 50 hits in 120s in highly possible btw
Re: PvP Event Shenanigans Great job thinking on the fly! A truly commendable job piecing together a story with your lies. If what you say is the truth, then your problem is in communication I guess. Because to people, your posts made it sound like you had no time to do anything because of class. Then suddenly you changed your OP to make it sound like you had enough time to read cc, xtal, and look through bl and targets. Keep the story consistent. Also, a single lie in a story can destroy the entire story, even if the lie was unintentional. I don't know which one of the two you are. Either way, no support. You did not come to forum to talk about the server problem. You came on to complain about you losing the top 50 spot. Your SS show that. It was your fault that you lost the top 50 rank, and you need to understand it and move on.
Re: PvP Event Shenanigans My 2 bits Ops is disappointed after a big effort for top 50 n just missed out. I get it. My wife max xtalled n hardly slept n fell from top 10 n last 2hrs to 12th. It was looking like a lock til ppl blitzed last few hrs. That is a well known fact ppl do this for a run at rewards. Her late xtals also were eaten up sometimes obviously. 70009 sheaves is a ton of effort on her part. Thats how the cookie crumbles. Summary: lags etc r faced by everyone n win or lose thats the way it is in a competition. I could not opt in but Grats to all who competed n enjoyed the PvP event n rewards u won
Re: PvP Event Shenanigans Op should have just stayed pinned... That's what everyone else was obviously doing