Vatican is clueless. The more he talks and rants about me the more I know I've got to him . He can do nothing to AAH or me other than provide a source of amusement. I dont use the term racist lightly. He knows what he said to aah members, os-nckz, queenvasia and bellemorte. He's also admitted it twice on the forums now without realising, so he's clearly not too bright. That comment on another forum thread saying where he lives n then trying to backtrack is classic from him. Yafi - to their stupidity decided that their enemies enemy is their friend. That gives the racist renewed fortitude (look it up as i know its beyond your ability to understand) to think he's got a kaw life again lol. So he's bouncing around talking nonsense all over forums like he has been in this war from the start . Kinda amusing to see especially as he's clueless about how he comes across. It will all get abusive again at some point as thats the true character. Rab - only reason he's still against us is because we refuse to cf. he asked several times (last week being the last time) but its always gonna be no. As for me well I'm playing the same kaw, warring and messing about (thats what its all about in my view) and will continue until I decide it's time to move on. Please keep the thread going - I reckon it could beat the bellemorte hate thread to 100 pages with his rants . Only difference is this ones funny to laugh at him trying to be someone.
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