you must be patient the slow ones cant follow threads correctly...not everyone is as smart as us...ok well are just a failed stripper lol
I've replied to Vatican on this thread so he can rage away as much as he wants. At least he's moved on from crying to devs like last week about us not being nice to him . As to the new saddo in this thread - I've never been in 7Loh so musta used my remote kicking device. If I had been in I would never have let you in in the first place . Feel free to join in and tant away like ________l____________________l and his alt vatican .
Vatican if u don't play why u complain so much ? Get out of KaW or fight silently. U don't realize what's fun for people to farm / strip u it's because u complain ?
This guy is boring me. You would think he would at least hit back instead of hitting epics. Guess he's just an attention whore/punching bag. You have two accounts and managed to fail scout bomb me. And a handful of attacks but that's i