Discussion in 'Wars' started by *-Death-2-Hand-Of-God- (01), Sep 30, 2013.

  1. Oh me gooshness!!!!! Someone got stripped on a war game  someone call the fire department!
  2. Fire truck gif is hard as **** to find, that's the best thing I found :p
  3. [​IMG]

    I called the wambulance
  4. You obviously didn't look hard enough  that guy found one. I'm disappointed in you care bear dude.
  5. You said fire department, that's an ambulance. Big difference asshole. If I typed in wambulance I would have gotten that too.
  6. CB is right :lol: you said Fire Dpt. not the Paramedics. (Although firefighters know some EMT stuff too)
  7.  I am loving the butthurts lately 
  8. Firefighters have ambulances also! I've seen them!
  9. How do you post pics to forums? I found a firetruck gif
  10. COMMAS!!! Pls... They were invented for a reason
  11. Ambulances are at a hospital, not the fire department. So I rest my case, you said Fire Department, not paramedics.
  12. Lmao support to the worms
  13. Your first one isn't a gif, your second one is but it's too big. No dimensions. A gif needs to be under 500x500 in order to look decent on these threads. And again, you posted a gif that has an ambulance/police car/firetruck. Drop the gavel *****. I rest my case.
  14. I can't stand low life inbreeds like anarchy in NMF as much as the next guy. (With the exception of val who I do respect) but if you have 2 tril to strip why waste it on buying allies mid war? Ya it's an annoyance and people hate you after, but why not do it properly?

    At most they lose 10 bil on incomings seems like a ridiculous waste of giving them gold.
  15. Not to be rude but dont you think posting this just caused you a lot of trouble lol