Lizard Squad o.o

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by TheCode, Jan 27, 2015.

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  1. Any address you get will probably just lead you to their ISP, which will give you a general location of their area. Literally anyone can track someones IP with using a simple command called tracert, or a handy dandy google search. But wait you're probably 5 years old and dont know simple cmd prompt commands.

  2. #facts
  3. Lmao well I do u retard, cmd is one of the easiest command prompter to work. Although I bet u think u can ddos a website with CMD, lmao. Ur a 7yr Old script kiddie. And I'm 19, and your intellect is so ******* low I swear I wanna shoot myself every time u reply.
  4. Go back to sleep so you can be stripped again maybilla
  5. Its so much fun to get squeakers mad.
  6. Wow this thread is ****.
  7. stop saying autism!
  8. First terminal is where its at. Second who told you that your cool for acting like you can "illegaly hack" because its not cool by any of our definitions..
  9. I got him back for saying I'm autistic

    4/4 atk NP (yesterday)
  10. No it's being used as an insult is what the problem is.
  11. Lmao I didn't get stripped, because I didnt get the notification that my allies were hired. But because someone accessed my account and dropped my allies. So :) u dont know jack
  12. Its funny watching maybilia trying to act like hes a 1337 h4x0r. I literally laffed when u said "command prompter" 
  13. I'm not a black hat hacker, I'm a grey hat hacker. Quite different.
  14. o **** we got a grey hat up in here!!1!11!!!1!
  15. Laughed* and incase u didn't realise... That's an actual thing. And also, I'm not acting like I'm a 1337 h4x0r, never said I was. I exploit things to find bugs and other things that can easily be exploited. That said, put me in the Tech Security station, of which I later quit to exploit them and be paid individually.
  16. Bet u don't even know what a grey hat hacker is... Go ahead, search it on google
  17. mmmk then.
  18. Yah breh yhu act like anyone cares ¿ yhur just tryin to show off whut little knowledge u hav. U only impress the ppl who dont know **** |~>\/

    With that said imma go2bed hav funn being a skid for rest uv yur life // also edit:: Lizardz rule
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