Any address you get will probably just lead you to their ISP, which will give you a general location of their area. Literally anyone can track someones IP with using a simple command called tracert, or a handy dandy google search. But wait you're probably 5 years old and dont know simple cmd prompt commands.
Lmao well I do u retard, cmd is one of the easiest command prompter to work. Although I bet u think u can ddos a website with CMD, lmao. Ur a 7yr Old script kiddie. And I'm 19, and your intellect is so ******* low I swear I wanna shoot myself every time u reply.
First terminal is where its at. Second who told you that your cool for acting like you can "illegaly hack" because its not cool by any of our definitions..
Lmao I didn't get stripped, because I didnt get the notification that my allies were hired. But because someone accessed my account and dropped my allies. So u dont know jack
Its funny watching maybilia trying to act like hes a 1337 h4x0r. I literally laffed when u said "command prompter"
Laughed* and incase u didn't realise... That's an actual thing. And also, I'm not acting like I'm a 1337 h4x0r, never said I was. I exploit things to find bugs and other things that can easily be exploited. That said, put me in the Tech Security station, of which I later quit to exploit them and be paid individually.
Yah breh yhu act like anyone cares ¿ yhur just tryin to show off whut little knowledge u hav. U only impress the ppl who dont know **** |~>\/ With that said imma go2bed hav funn being a skid for rest uv yur life // also edit:: Lizardz rule