Hey! I'm a bad ass too. I hacked my girlfriends Netflix by knowing the password she told me. Am I haxor now?
holy **** we got some fuckin 1337 h4x0rz in deez damn forums, Watch out yo!!!! Anonymous is a joke. All they do is deface websites no one cares about and names it #Op{Insert fuckin stupid name here}
Or you could use the time that these hackers take down the network to go outside and act like a human
1.Anonymous isn't a group, it's an idea.. Lmfao 2.you can't 'crack' a VPN ip, the most you can do is contact the VPN provider and ask for logs, which most quality providers don't. 3. Deep web isn't hard to access, just download tor and use a VPN to be safe when using agora etc. 4. Not all cyber terrorists are hackers and not all hackers are cyber terrorists. 5. If you buy a booter and pretend to be a 1337 h4ck3r, you are just an obnoxious skid. But, even good 'hackers' use tools. Why make your own program when someone has already made it for you? 6. You aren't a hacker for using tor. Just stop. 7. If you call gathering a botnet and using slaves to stress a website or user not 'hacking' and then say phishing is hacking, you're just a hypocrite. 8. Lizard Squad knows and are capable of ALOT more than you are, like it or not. I'm not trying to fanboy, but it's quite obvious that they aren't a bunch of skids. 9. If you're paying $120 for an 8gbps stresser, find a new stresser. 10. I don't care what you think, or how big you think you look for saying ddosing is child's play or 'wannabe-ish', truth is, ddosing is a great method to take down sites, what's the point of hacking into the site to take it down when you can just flood it? It's effective. 11. Calling someone autistic or 'the dumbest human being ever' doesn't make you look any smarter. Just please stop, it makes me cringe. 12. There is no way to tell if you are just googling these things on the spot, I don't care how sophisticated your post is, don't try to post it to make yourself look smart, for all you know I just googled everything in this post. 13. Just about every argument in this thread is based on your definition of hacking.
Also, sorry to burst your bubble, but most of the deep web is just CP and drugs. A lot of the well known hackers just preside in the clearnet.
lol Alliance Maybilia just assassinated my units like 10 times and stole 3m gold because of what i posted on his wall... this is hilarious. Very well put Cain, I love it when people think their special because they can get into darknet.
Lizard squad = arrogant, ignorant idiots who thinks overloading site = hacking. Rofl blah - they r like stateless alts posting here he he
They don't hack. They just spam a server and overload it. They're like a kid throwing a temper tantrum trying to be cool, imo
What annoys me about them is they bost about DDoS attacking, any child with a computer and Internet connection can over load someone's network it happens alot in league play on CoD just a bunch of hacking wannabe squeakers.