Limitless Nobs! (secret finally revealed)

Discussion in 'Best Of' started by Moose2, Jul 17, 2012.

  1. Re: Limitless Nobs! (secrets revealed)

    I like the fountains.. Filled with pennies!
  2. Re: Limitless Nobs! (secrets revealed)

  3. Re: Limitless Nobs! (secrets revealed)

    HA HA HA!

    Good stuff.

    But you forgot one....


  4. Re: Limitless Nobs! (secrets revealed)

    Lol. True.
  5. Re: Limitless Nobs! (secrets revealed)

    How about fancy restaurants? People leave $100 on the floor and it doesn't even dent their salary.
  6. Re: Limitless Nobs! (secrets revealed)

    Lol moose! U tricked me
  7. Re: Limitless Nobs! (secrets revealed)

    Maxwellis approves of this thread, and is pleased. Good day.
  8. Re: Limitless Nobs! (secrets revealed)

    Omg hilarious 
  9. Re: Limitless Nobs! (secrets revealed)

    Amazing. I cant wait to get down on my knees and search for Nob farms so I can feed our amazing devs! Cant wait.
  10. Re: Limitless Nobs! (secrets revealed)

    Lol moose. You are the bomb shizzle.
  11. Re: Limitless Nobs! (secrets revealed)

    Yo wassup playas? :) I'm back, if any has noticed my absence... So what's been happening with u all? :)
  12. Re: Limitless Nobs! (secrets revealed)

    Belle, I'm just here helping the kids grow a bit. ;-)
  13. Re: Limitless Nobs! (secrets revealed)

    @Moose, read my earlier post.

    P.S. I'm on a noob rage :evil:
  14. Re: Limitless Nobs! (secrets revealed)

    But Moose, that's Canadian Nobs! What's the conversion rate? 

  15. Re: Limitless Nobs! (secrets revealed)

    Lol mom want help
    With lanuadry?
  16. Re: Limitless Nobs! (secrets revealed)

    Junk yards...the ash trays in all those
    wrecked  are teeming with unclaimed nobs.

    Just beware the junk yard dogs.

    Also I find lots of Nobs in My wife's purse. I think that these are really just
    reclaimed nobs from my wallet .
  17. Re: Limitless Nobs! (secrets revealed)

    More ideas:
    Farm your neighbours! Equip the sickle (or shovel) and ask to clear their yard!
    Farm the neighbourhood by agreeing to be a newsfeed!
    Farm childrens parents by asking to monitor!
    You can even setup a lemonade stand and farm active people!
    These can earn you max nobs if done with discipline and effort
  18. Re: Limitless Nobs! (secrets revealed)

    Lol Devo and stosrider
  19. Re: Limitless Nobs! (secrets revealed)

  20. Re: Limitless Nobs! (secrets revealed)

    300 nobs! :)[​IMG]