Lili & roni's fan mail

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by II-roni-II, Nov 26, 2015.

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  1. Re: Lili

    Is mayonnaise an instrument?
  2. Re: Lili

    They all hold a sentimental place in my heart equally for investing in me and believing in me and for pushing me on when sometimes i felt like giving up. a few have been indispensable and have become solid friends who i value alot .ive got lots of funny memorys of allie chat and some have hired me just to aggravate me because id been fighting with them . they also helped mould the kaw player i became .weither or not thats a good or bad thing im not sure but im grateful to them all . for not seeing me just as a asset but also for spending the time to talk to me too .
  3. dont lie seth ive never said that to you
  4. corze its controversal if its disrupting the daily forum and wc lifes and taking over it.
  5. Re: Lili

  6. Re: Lili

    Who is lili?
  7. Re: Lili

    Double post... blah
  8. Re: Lili

    just gave ur nf an autograph. U are welcome ๎
  9. Who is lili?
  10. her name actually is Veronica the same as mine ha .how mad a coincidence is that .2 veronicas in the same clan . i just call her Lili because its on her screenname . its -lili_pain_in _your_ rear _lili-
  11. Re: Lili

    We know her screen name you pleb
  12. it was so weird lol. The cc was confusing ๎’
  13. Re: Lili

    This thread should be called "Narcissistic anonymous"๎‚
  14. can i get another sb please?
  15. Re: Lili

    I'm going to take that as I was your favorite golly wiz thanks lol.
  16. Looks Like Bad-Advice wars real well, nice broken sword. Keep on preaching that Male superiority................ umm yeah hmmhmm, sure bad-advice anything you say
  17. Re: Lili

    what a try-hard .joins instinct and thinks he's a badman . hes a replica of all the apoc probies ( aka -V- ) who automatically grow some courage as soon as they join a famous clan . and DiV-osaurus it's you whose the noob . dont bother calling me it when all that you're known for is your foruming.
  18. The controversy is pretty much in your head... No one really cares. Tbh you're starting to ride on lili coat tail... She's starting to matter. You in the other hand... Bah.
  19. Re: Lili

    Us? How many voices are in that head?
  20. Re: Lili

    Um I've been just as mouthy for a long time since before I was in kotfe. Everyone knows that๎’
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