Lili & roni's fan mail

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by II-roni-II, Nov 26, 2015.

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  1. yussei facts are you have nothing to contribute .you are a dense individual who has no scoop or range of any subject to speak about. How boring that your life must be that the only way you can feel important is to come on a game to try critisize others but you bring nothing at all to forums. you embarress yourself yussei .
  2. Dear roni

    Fact is: I honestly don't give a damn about you. I don't bother contributing to any of your trashy posts/threads cause you simply aren't worth it. After 10 times of me correcting it, you still didnt manage to spell my name correctly. Why would i even WANT to have a conversation with you? You can blame me as much as you want for it, it still won't make you anyhow relevant to me. Improve your grammar, make your posts readable. Maybe i will have a proper conversation with you one day. I have lots of stuff to talk about. Would you rather have a religious debate or an economic one? A political debate? A philosophical debate? Do you want to talk about history? Sports? Movies? Books? Gaming? Your lovesickness regarding Sasuke_Uchiha? Alright. Before i'll respect you as a human being, you only have to do two things: Stop being a trash-queen and please, for gods sake, start using proper grammar. How pathetic must your life be if you reduce anyone who speaks up against you to "a fail wannabe troll"? I give opinions on threads, participate in forum-games and sometimes i trashtalk? Now what do you do out of those three things? I never saw you make a comment on any thread aside from drama, accusions and trashtalk. The only one who is emberassing herself in the forums is you.
  3. yussei its actually the reverse .you are just a blank on kaw nobody gives a damm about you .were you nominated on the thread most all round players ? No you were not . i was nominated 3 times.when you have that impact and made your mark on kaw.Then do come back and lecture me about myself .but until then you are in my shadows chump .
  4. Re: Lili

    Omg just lock this 
  5. why would i do that. its for people who dont want to derail other threads can come here to debate their differences/issues. You soap should go and get rooster inc recruitment thread locked .because it aint getting any new members !

  6. I'm playing this game for twice as long as you, i'm probably the better warrer and i notice when people are sarcastic about nominating me in some threads. Do you really think that any of those were serious? Isn't it funny how you told me that i'm oh so pathetic for bashing people on kaw, yet you tell me i'd be a noname and "in your shadow? :>
    And honestly i'm rather unknown than known for being an attention-seeking trash-queen.
  7. yussei nobody knows who you are but im guessing you are susuka_uchiha alt .and II_roni_II is my main . 4 months away from the 4 year badge. yet nobody knows who you are at all . you have no history of being a warrior at all. jog on moron every thing you say digs your hole deeper.
  8. and you deffinantly are in my shadow. i really think you should hush up your lips now.till you have acceived something to challenge me on.
  9. She's never gonna spell your name right Bruh...

    You aint arguing with her right.


    I'll show you how its done.

    Hey Roni, stop making out with Lili long enough to tell us about your your Long Lost Legendary Main(LLLM for short)

    Oh what's that? Your too busy stalking Bootsy to make out with Lili right now? Ooooh I'm tellin Lili u cheatin.

    Anyways get ur head outta Bootsy's ass long enough to tell us why Fury crapped you outta thiers.

    Thats how you argue with Roni.

  10. no crimson ill show you how its done ...why did you assassin me and keep writing to me in p/m to alert me and wake me up from a strip.see whats so funny about the ones who talk big in wc and forums trying to impress others. in p/m your grovvelling to me and kissing my butt .
  11. I told You already I could care less about any of those points i brought up. I jus play wit you for poops n giggles.

    I alerted your strip cuz I wont the one strippin you, but was planning to at the time. How could I strip you if u didn't have allies to strip?

    Now you may ask why I never stripped you.

    Thats because at the time I alerted you, I was super high off a fat ass blunt of sour D. But you killed my high and my phones vibrate function with your 1000 word essay on why you were being stripped. I didnt want to run the risk of getting another novel after I stripped you.

    Lmao groveling to you in pm. What did I say? One line? We talked one time and 95% of the dialogue is yours :lol:
  12. Re: Lili

    Lock before it reaches 100
  13. I have the 5 year badge, now what? Probably only a few month away from the 6years badge. You are only known for being a osw runner, an annoyance with bad grammar in forum and for seeking attention by pretending to be known for more than your trash.
  14. crimson you are a nobody on kaw talk big lie even bigger. men that have confidence dont need to lie to impress anyone. you never ever planned plotted to strip me. all you are is a kotfe chump. they all talk big behind a alliance yet are small and meek men in reality. you were all over me grovvelling to me in p/m. saying sorry for being nasty to me in the osw.
  15. hey crimson was you mentioned on the kaws sll round players thread ? No you wasnt . i was 3 times. the jokes on you chump .
  16. You were brought up as a joke, that's worse than not being brought up
  17. yussei you got the 5 year badge 32 days ago . you have 11 more months to get the 6 year one and you have 60;000 wins for 5 years thats embarressing. proving you aint a warrior. and crimson only idiots brag about smoking drugs and weed . nothing to be proud dont make you more the man .
  18. its so funny seeing crimson talking lies trying to impress. the facts are i always have allies and they sell or i hire them onto my alts And upgrade or my friends hire them . too bad you are too slow to catch me in my games .
  19. the ones who talk my name as a joke come off as leeches and groupies .showing that without me to speak about they are on mute.
  20. Re: Lili

    Nope, we manage to talk about other things fine but there's nothing wrong with bringing up one of kaws worst players as a joke
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