Lili & roni's fan mail

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by II-roni-II, Nov 26, 2015.

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  1. Must've been a different post. I'm just skimming because some of this is entertaining.

    I also just found it hilarious he claimed OCD when his own writing would drive him to insanity if he were. Then again he might truly be a seriously depressed OCD person due to his many short comings. I digress though, if he is depressed may he find happiness.
  2. it can be arranged thats what me and Lili are here for .
  3. Re: Lili

    Your all so pathetic...........roni keep it up they can't handle you 
  4. Re: Lili

    I can do as I choose Lili. If the truth hurts . So be it. So first it was us hitting you for 2 yrs. now it's 4yrs. Funny DKoD hasn't been around for 4yrs just more crap coming out your mouth.
  5. puns put your reading glasses on i wrote dkod cryed to 4 clans .i didnt write 4 years ago.
  6. Re: Lili

    Well, obviously it doesn't matter. 99.999% of the things you say is not the truth. That definitely is another false statement by you .
  7. no it is not i became dkod clan farm for over a year and as soon as i did all the alliance started hitting me and D.P too. that was death inc clan ; rise against clan ; the outlawz and w.a.r . and then hol started join in too with jamie
  8. Re: Lili

    No one cares what happened yesterday on Kaw, let alone two years ago. Well no one with a brain anyway.... This history stuff is irrelevant to todays' Kaw style.
  9. just like nobody cares that you was in kotfe c.a ty yet your always saying it in worldchat. and if people call you a eb fairy youd bring it up again to show that your not. thankyou for bumping this thread ty it was almost dying !
  10. Re: Lili

    I'm the sexiest KAWER ever. I can do what I want. Don't be salty
  11. well i am in one of those moods again where im just craving some more attention and adoration. so im calling out my two number 1 groupies yussei and lord-jackson236 to come and strike up that in depth and interesting conversation with me .That you 2 are so famously known for.
  12. Re: Lili

    This is possibly the weirdest thread I have ever read. I can't even sum up the words to express how disappointed I am in humanity right now
  13. I thought we had that.. Y-U-U-S-E-I. It's not that hard. Anyway, I would totally have an indepth conversation with you if i could read what you are trying to say..
  14. yussei hi ! i'm so happy to see you and glad to have caught your attention once again ! Well seeing you werent very socialble as always and started off a conversation and just wait till i have said something ill give you the bait to try put me down again .because thats all you ever are caperble of . so yessei do you believe in past lives ? Do you think youve had one do you ever feel you lived before in another century.? Would you ever get transgressed to find out or you are too scared ? i'd loved to have lived in the 1940's .i love the fashion from that era and i love the music - Glenn miller and dances and the Nicholas brothers the greatest dancers all time . i have some funny dreams .one time i dreamed i was in a old victorian house and went into a room at the top floor. in it a lady dressed in victorian clothes began to talk to me . Then a large robust jolly man dressed in clothes resembleing the toby man jug appeared. Then outter no where a man dressed like D turpin the highway man robber appeared and pulled a dagger out on me. i was so scared i quickly blocked it away using a martial arts move and pushed it away from me. Then he pulled out a pistol and was im sure going to shoot me so i kicked him away from me in a leaping jump .and then i woke up and found my self kicking out of the duvet on my bed no lie. it felt so realistic that dream so weird ! so tell me yussei your past lives experiances !
  15. tl;dr.
    No support.
  16. yussei proving all he is is brainless ignorant and socially inept to hold a intelligent conversation.
  17. Roni wins and took the fail troll yussei out of the picture .
  18. You do realise i don't take you serious, right? I don't have a reason to hurt my brain by trying to actually read your posts. I still need my braincells. That does not have anything to do with me and my social skills (which you are judging via forum, good job.). Why would i want to talk to you anyway? You're a source of entertainment to me, nothing more. You're not a person i would actually value high enough to bother talking to. But don't worry, i'll still give you some sort of attention! That will only be me making fun of you tho.

    Oh and: Y-U-U-S-E-I
  19. Yuusei wins and gives roni PTSD.
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