Lili & roni's fan mail

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by II-roni-II, Nov 26, 2015.

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  1. As for bootsy, it's interesting how nobody heard from her for months. But as soon as roni's thread comes out, she is being revived like a scrag under the necromancer's spell. Just can't stay away, can u?
  2. omar never has stripped me keep your lies up bootsy the fake . ive even got screenshots of omar in my pm last summer . talking about a silver members alts haha
  3. he even sent me a screenshot of puns of dkod requesting a CF from iG .
  4. Let's see. Cause Omar speaking of a silver member's alt proves that he didn't strip u.
  5. nice try silverbullet . but i know all that have stripped me. and i know omar hasnt ever been part of it. you really are wound up over me arent you . ill tell you what do a pretty homemade visiters pass on your wall and ill let you in to come visit me .then i hope your butthurtness will evapourate.
  6. Re: Lili

    Roni , you seriously need to get a life. DKoD and iG have never even been in a skirmish. Do you believe your delusions? You crack me up  hopefully one day you will seek help for your issues.
  7. Yea. I could come over. My pass is for any clan. It's pretty versatile and doesn't expire.
  8. Re: Lili

    There. Just got one for your clan

  9. DKoD never fought IG tho
  10. well maybe it was wit or wig . ill find the screenshot . maybe it was wdgaf
  11. You so obsessed with them that your saving SS?
  12. she has millions of SS. Saves SS of the most ubiquitous...

    ...will prob take SS of this post & make some esoteric reference to it years from now
  13. Probably. She's gonna name drop that you spoke to her one day about a ss and that proves that you're not a unicorn. Or she will speak about the silver vs apoc war. Or was it zaft? Maybe wdgaf? Then she will check her ss and will find that she's a dumb pig
  14. corze im going to save it i fighted puns for 2 years .it was funny seeing him asking for a CF. just like you got my screenshots saved for times when your feeling blue .and you want to feel happy again.
  15. Lolz
  16. hey todd thats so weird . you are in tune with me one my old alts is XX-ubique-XX check it out !!
  17. Ok 
  18. Re: Lili

     roni, you are by far making people on Kaw more dumb by reading your gibberish. I feel sorry for people that actually associate themselves with you. I guess the short bus was the correct bus they put you on  voom voom here is a helmet for you ⛑
  19. Re: Lili

    "Voom voom" XD
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