Lili & roni's fan mail

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by II-roni-II, Nov 26, 2015.

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  1. Lili she cant spell at all she writes teef instead of teeth she trys to act all kooky and aloof writing words deliberatly wrong.Thinking it makes her appear cool.
  2. Re: Lili

    Go roni
  3. This has to be one of the most truthful posts I have ever read.
    Internet everyone is equal in forums. ( ok except devouring his stupidity is beyond help)
    Seems crazy when people enjoy hating people they don't know at all.
    Hiding behind a screen thinking they are better than anyone.
    Lighten up and enjoy the game folks. It's just a game. A way if using up those moments between more important moments in life. Socialise why waste it hating 
  4. Nasty is back >.>
  5. Re: Lili

    Hey roni
  6. Re: Lili

    I see you still have all the pricks of the day giving you **** 
  7. Re: Lili

  8. Do you feel better now Mat 
  9. Re: Lili

    Ock your so nasty
  10. it really hurt to read this.
  11. Re: Lili

    Can Roni have a forum ban already?

    "Do not spam the forums by creating duplicate posts, posting nonsensical messages, excessive bumping, or otherwise flooding the forums"

    nonsensical - having no meaning; making no sense.

    Half of what she says makes no sense and the things that do make sense are the same thing over and over again which is duplicate posts.
  12. Re: Lili

    All of what u say falls under "flooding the forums". When is ur ban?
  13. Re: Lili

    Poor V. The idiot spent and spends a fortune on this game.

    Then spends all his time crawling up roni's bum trying desperately to get noticed or make a name for himself.

    That's gold. Sad. But gold.

    Keep it up V. You really are a funny joke.

    Forum fool at its finest
  14. Re: Lili

    If you can make a case for me flooding the forums then go ahead and get me a ban, but that doesn't take away from ronis duplicate posts and nonsensical messages.
  15. hey v and villain youve already said the same comment twice .go try get me banned lets see if they take any notice of you .
  16. Re: Lili

    I am not a snitch
  17. I honestly support this thread, I quite enjoy reading at least an hour a day and watching you guys argue tickles me.
  18. Re: Lili

    I've spent only a few hundred $ in my years, not much. And I don't need Roni to make a name for myself I've already surpassed an idiot who gets banned and kicked out by their own family. I've also already surpassed a person who drops build every other week after getting slapped around. K bby?
  19. d4rk you are such a breath of fresh air to the forums. you got us all entertained with your creative writting . i wish i could be like you . you keep the forum crowd captivated by your thrilling conversation . yes you have earned the right to talk down to lesser morsels like myself.
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