Life of a Zaft War runner after leaving osw

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Harblnger_of_wrath, Jul 15, 2015.

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  1. stateless? hero? hello? you will find MOST of fury and Fury Veng clan stateless. Check eb history and no of allies per member.

    SO Mary do you think you are winning this OSW?

    Once again please answer my questions on previous post.
  2. I don't care which side is or isn't winning. I have friends on both sides. But yeah I'm pretty sure it's clear to everyone that Cella
  3. poor thread !!
    plz mod lock this thread
  4. Farmed inferno for a long time maybe part of his resetting thing farmed nelliel to inactive
    Strip rock crushing machine 10t stripped king machine 3 ish t
    Lady hawk was most recently stripped by zaft/fury few days ago 20t I maxed xstaled
    Does that answer some of your questions sideliner?
    When are you gonna join osw or say who your crappy main answer my questions 
  5. Inferno was only a temp 20hr reset but he had a new name and awards now can't find him he has vanished again! Where is inferno now ? That is the question we all seek
  6. What's a temp 20 hour reset?is that only for special quitters? Could you temporary reset?
  7. hey elf, just wanted to let know that no one cares anymore
  8. No you didn't. Don't try and take credit for something that has absolutely no relevance to you or the war whatsoever. Even after I was reinstated you hit me maybe a total of 10x throughout a 2 day period and then gave up like your weak ass always does.
  9. Amazing how DirtyMarry mind works. Dont think he a clue what he is stating most of the time.
  10. Why is my inactive osf talking in forums? ;)
  11. Aimen.
    This has got to be the biggest BS response in KAW history. Guys please read dirtymarry response.

    Do you really think farming someone in an OSW will make them reset? What are you smoking?

    The whole point of OSW is to strip and smash the enermy.

    Awe you stating YOU MAXED XSTALLED on a strip. WOW. No kidding? Really? Damn
    You are a game changer. No question.
    You stripped someone 10T? you sure? so how come you dont have those allies now?
    and why are you not funding any more strips? looking at your build past few weeks you have ONLY been busy upgrading and using crux. Check fury eb history past 2 weeks.

    So why wasnt that gold not used to strip instead of upgrading?

    So ONCE AGAIN based on YOUR analysis do you think zaft/fury are winning this OSW?
  12. To be fair, they are stripping people. I had 200 out and they hired a 225b ally from me. 1500 steals later, i did a 250b upgrade and had 27b left. So they took appx 150b from me. There are still active people in zaft, just not very many any more. But at least they are trying 
  13. At least you got your hte equipment :)
  14. Your comment is rather bland. Werent ylu in crackdown some ee clan and then joined zaft? Wheres zaft crackdown?
  15. All your points are all fine and dandy, I would just like to say that the point of osw is not to strip your opponent, but to destroy their pride and will to continue fighting, stripping them is just a means to that end.

    If the point of osw is to strip your opponent, then apoc would've won already as they have done more strips(from what I can see) than Zaft, but as you can see, the osw is still on.
  16. Lolz at dirty chubby pretending he, or his furbies matter... smh
  17. Support this "once runner always a runner"
  18. If they don't matter, you wouldn't feel the need to talk about them in any form
  19. Did inferno call me a weak ass quitter from a reset than crybaby restored account?
  20. It never ceases to amuse me how terrified some players are to post with there main. What's the problem bud, afraid your main will get a forum suspension too, in lieu of inciting forums with your incendiary remarks or do you have something more precious to protect? :lol:

    Either way, let me direct you to where all clean Zaft vs Apoc war posts should go:


    ELf_oN-ThE_ShELf strike two, enjoy another forum ban.
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