Life Advice

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by 5TALK3R-53NPAI, May 22, 2016.

  1. Basically a kid screwed up my year book by writing "things" all over it and I need to get back at him. I can't tell the staff because of confidential reasons and i'm not some lame pacifist that'll just forgive and forget. Ideally I was just gonna jump him and burn his year book but idk if that's good enough.
  2. When he's at his locker tell him you had intercourse with his mum/mom, then when he chases you, break his ankles, run back and then get your book back.
  3. Is it everywhere? Otherwise you could make a nice sentence of it, something inspirational.

    & you could write on his book something like "all these things I have and you don't."

    Or something like that lol idk.
  4. You sir get my aproval
  5. Photo editing app,large cucumber,picture of his mum/grandmum,social media..viola!

  6. "Have a great summer"
  7. He will probably see you coming and get the jump on you. This will result in you being hung by your underwear from the flagpole at your school. Walk away now....walk away.
  8. It sounds like you speak from experience.
  9. Its just what i do with little babies like you
  10. Baby? At least I'm not going around the internet acting tough trying to get respect  Go stroke your ego somewhere else.
  11. Respect?....on a tap tap game? Its called not caring.
  12. If you failed to care you wouldn't respond to my previous comment
  13. Touché..:-D
  14. Sleep with his sister.

    Or his girlfriend
  15. Or his dog
  16. Lol
  17. Sleep with his yearbook
  18. This man is a genius.