Level 4 Guild Change

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by admin, Nov 22, 2013.

  1. in a few days they will rock a little less
  2. So ghs should change builds
  3. Will sos get a bit of a plunder boost? Could really use more plunder tbh
  4. @loclan

    You are wrong there

    There was massive forum rage about the t4 discount. Including a petition made by a player named jigsaw saying he and all others should be refunded the money they spent on t4 that didn't need to be spent cuz now there is a discount 

    I of course was the bad guy cuz I pointed out the enormous flaw in that logic. It's just what I do.

    So yah...
  5. I reading all comments and didn't spotted to mention it how lb get lb , I just want to remind to all , most lb or maybe all lb , have other 5 or more alts , which is gh , they transfer gold to main acc. And made acc as lb , all knows that , and now they want gh make very bad build , to know one can be get that high as them .
  6. @ KaW ADMIN Please PLease Please reply

    Just a little concerned IF Guilds are reduced in plunder what happens to my build :?: ! I've used Guilds as an extra income for years Does this mean that my plunder will be reduced so it will take longer and cost even more to get to HFBC !!!!! :roll: (1236 day's in KaW) first time I've asked a how to build Question :shock:
  7. @ loclan is that the ROYAL we or are you talking for the vast majority of KaWummity :eek:

    I'm not a GH but have and still do use the + 5% Allies plunder bonus that the L4 guild hansel provides :)
    Everyone used that to get to HL complete and are still using that mechnic to futher the HF land buying as I said guilds give a +5% allies plunder bonus if that is taken away from builds/kingdoms it will take longer to get to HF BC and in fact slow down growth :cry:

    so loclan think before you deride people concerns its not all about GH its about Guilds total :shock:

    I could go on for hours about how to build the fastest way to bc on lands etc; at the end of the day its very much each to his own.
    Some spent real money on this game others don't

    But why change the Guild mechnic's just because it works!!!

    A few spoke up when the tower build got down graded ( i did ) but not many :oops:

    That was the thin edge of the wedge

    I just wonder what build will be next to get the chop because it works :oops:
  8. Many people saying GHs are the butthurts. No disrespect but lets go for further dissection:

    When GH became handy while the ee wars was introduced bigger build first came up with complain..it was like that

    ** When we hit them we get 20m, they earn over 50m while hitting
    Now definately this guys are over 8mcs and if a GH can successfully attack them meaning their troop level was very low and GH had high troops and they had defence pot and gh usually dont keep them

    ** They said not fair, how come someone who spent only 50b on build can even touch my mighty kingdom?

    --dev listened and introduced DTS/DTW mechannism

    Now poor ordinary GH cant hit those biggies. But they worked hard and gain some good equipment during wars/ebs and invest in allies. This pregression is same for all, GH or not. Ok now gh going through 8m over cs build again with their bfe and bfa.

    ** they said-- screw dtw/dts, they can still hit us..WTF?

    At this point consider these two types.. The complaining one might use all his/her gold to boost up his/her RAW stat and gain over 8ms with suppose 2T and in the other side that poor GH kept his basic stat low(risking their vunlnerability) and invest 2T or over in allies

    **Not conviced dev where is the solution? we're dying here..

    --dev said, ok ok..Now there will be HIT RATIO introduced meaning if over 20% member of roaster cant hit oppsite roaster there will be NO MATCH

    So an ordinary GH now cant take part in EE wars as they cant hit the roaster. Only GH with good BFE and BFA is welcome now. No one want to risk the no match with the lower GHs.

    ** Wait that dosent solve their problem..isnt it? so they came up with one decission, convince devs to weaken GH no matter what. As they got the mighty kingdom its not their duty to get out of GH range rather it should be poor GH's duty to become weak.

    --The Gist
    1. HF Explored (Gh was weaken as they got nothing usefull of it but biggies get bigger)
    2. DTS/DTW introduced (GH was weaken)
    3. Hit Ratio introduced (GH was weaken)

    But GH comminuty these are not enough unless your elders have said so. So they bring you the recent GH tear down method. Embrace it like I did and thank them..
  9. U couldn't be more wrong dude ...

    Every time the devs tried to "fix" the gh issue in ee wars it only made them stronger and more useful .... Look at the useage of them in season 1 compared to season 2 it's 10x as many ... Why?

    With dts dtw mech in place now 1/2-3/4 of the enemy roster couldn't help pin the little gh but anyone they were big enough for with the right bfe /bfa gh could totally take advantage of

    Then hit ratio made them even more desirable as it was a wY to further use the build to 2 more advantages

    1) now I can lower my clans over all hit ratio and lower total cs matching a more even built clan and dominate them tops bigger while bottoms smaller with huge plunder advantages

    2) to increase hit ratio to meet the needs of some clans and to raise hit ratio just enough to receive these unbalanced matched all gh had to do was through up a few towers in the hf .... Now not only can their clans recurve easy matches but now the gh they already had huge plunder advantage are now a little harder to ko specially for the size of builds they could now hit 5-10 mill cs builds

    Every time devs "tried to fix " gh they only succeeded in making it a strong more versatile build

    Epic fails everyone of them
  10. I'm not a guild Hansel why did my plunder drop by 3 mil over night
  11. The WHOLE point of a WAR GAME is to win.

    In a War a pauper can kill a king a wandering villager can trip over the best spies in the land.

    No one should be exempt because they are too big or too small.

    People are crying YES crying because GH are to strong and too weak make your mind up.

    You all had the same choice what to build. Don’t start CRYING because someone did it better than you.

    If the dev’s what kingdoms to progress try a) reducing the building cost’s, b) reducing the land cost’s, or c) my Favourite reduce both.

    If the DEV’s are so concerned about progression why are they removing the best route to HLBC :?:
  12. Uh oh. Change tomorrow, only managed to save 85B. ****!!!
  13. Well time for change is upon us. The guild hansel build may be destroyed but might only have a slight modification. We will find out within 24 hours if it is truly "nerfed" or not. I really appreciate the 7 days we were givin of prep time. I was active 2-5 hours a day amd have managed to acquire myself approximately 1 trillion gold for the possible convert requirement. So if you think guild hansel wasnt an issue then show me another build that makes 1T in 14-35 hours. Thank you for reading and I hope that the guild buster update doesnt really change to much about plunder...
  14. Why did they do this to the guild hansels i kinda think it is bogus because im a guild hansel and i don't think ud like it if they took ur build from highplunder to well normal plz dont do it
  15. Killawolf how many xtls did u feed devs to get 1 tril dang im on a xtl strike over this whole thing and put way to many hrs in a day on here and didnt even make 100b any build not just gh can get an easy tril if there burning xtls im requesting a refund for all the money i spent on my soon to be worthless build then ill put that money back into building the way everyone wants me to but wont spend another red cent till can be sure it wont be for nothing again
  16. I still think devs need to learn from the gh build and correct the rest the gh build is a blast the mechanics are fun y take the fun out of the game spread out the luv boost sos boost vols give a bonus on attk lets make this game more addictive here i bet devs will feel the luv from there peeps and and there wallets will be over flowing with the green from all there happy customers lol nope wont happen they would rather piss on thousands that only built smart, c'mon devs turn that hate mail into luv mail and do the right thing here
  17. Waaaay to much crying over this. GH plunder was a joke in war. It needed changed, not to push GH out of wars, but to even the game for all players. If your crying about it then you only built GH to exploit the war system. That doesn't make you a good warrior, or a good war clan, it just means you exploited the system, or as I call it, you cheated the system. Just like card counting in Vegas hurts the casino, bunch of u went GH and it hurt Kaw. Fewer clans war because everyone got tired of warring LB/GH stacked teams. So my hope is this "nerfing" helps bring more clans into wars!
  18. ⏰"Tic toc, tic toc..."
    Have all you GH's been savin yo golds?
  19. Yup, llbc complete. Highland conversion in progress.