Level 4 Guild Change

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by admin, Nov 22, 2013.

  1. Lulz. You guys want SOS to be better plunder so gh will just be SOS hansels. But otherwise. Nice idea devs.
  2. Aghghhghh......Kill me now
  3. Why are people asking for a boost to SOS plunder? If the devs lower the plunder for Lvl4 Guilds you are effectively getting a plunder boost as the amount you have lost either reduces or reverses.
  4. Yes Devs, thank you so much for probably making more and more quit this game. This is going to cause nothing but now all former gh's complaining about some other build. I hope others agree but if not, oh well. Devs, **** you
  5. Game mechanics that have always been around and everyone knew how it worked are being changed? Why? Because some people can't cope with them and figure out how to beat them?
  6. Reimburse them for their money spent on their guilds :lol:
  7. So how much will this hurt GH's? Will SOS's give around the same amount of plunder now? More information would have been better. Hopefully you can add some pretty soon... :D
  8. Smh... I just downgraded 48 hours ago to be a gh... guess I get screwed... no more war for me for 6 months. Thanks..
  9. What the **** seriously devs?? So because we chose to make a better build we get penalized? How is this fair?

  10. Hey admin... is this going to end up like that tower fiasco we had awhile back there? refunds for buildings? what kinda refund would you even give off a lvl 4 guild???

    WAIT!!! does this mean you are going to be lowering all the prices on buildings..??? Because if you do for one... you need to do for all... THANKS
  11. SOS plunder is literally crap, you spend like 12b to upgrade it and what do you get? Literally nothing. They should have it atleast double of wage the new level 4 guild should be, it encourages people to grow, and not do nothing
  12. Thanks for giving us GHs that dont war the finger devs.Appreciate it.
  13. @kaw admin
    Like sportspro on page 1, all I want to know is if sos will be an increase in plunder compared to guild now, doesn't necessarily an increase to plunder that the sos makes.
    Let the ragers rage, kaw is an adaptive war game, builds and their advantages come and go, making way for other builds to take command. No need for us to know any specifics, numbers, or stats this week.
  14. So ummm devs , volary drops in price maybe ?
  15. Thank you devs. although seems like kind of an easy fix to cause so much grief for a year. Maybe its easier said then done , either way thank you i hope it works out.

    Now everyone prepare yourself for the next ee roster manipulation.... Top LB with all pure spy, and if that becomes the case , I recommend hiring pure spy ally during war right before war start for open osf.
  16. That's ********, guilds don't even give that much more plunder than the other buildings, my plunder actually dropped substantially when I converted from hybrid to guild hansel, I say nay to this BS

  17. All buildings need a price drop... its almost depressing having to think of how long a casual player like myself now has to wait before being LCBC again... :eek:
  18. This is just pathetic.
    People got butt hurt because they figured a way to make a cheap and effective ee build.
    Devs you do realize how much it costs to build up a standard ee account?
    The gh was a way so that even new players can war effectivly.
    I am sorry but what you did was essentially cave into the demands of a bunch if cry babies who couldnt figure out how to beat a build.
    What is every great ee build an exploit?!
    Just because its good at war makes it an exploit!?
    You did this bs to haxor builds after season 1
  19. Well, this is a little bit upsetting to hear is it not? Goodbye sexy GH build....if SOS plunder becomes better guess I'll convert to that, cant do anything without more information. :x