Level 4 Guild Change

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by admin, Nov 22, 2013.

  1. My main is a GH with 30 lands explored, but even so, this is a really good idea. Now to find out how much I can save in a week! I made 30B once in a day without xtals, now I have to hope that I can save up 350B in a week. :lol:
  2. As if 1 week is enough to get ready for anything really... o_O
  3. Lol and by the way..... lot of medium builds with good adt = gh cant plunder them. I thought towers were meant for war, but it seems it's easier to go offensive build and then cry over the gh's than it is to just use a strategy that nails the gh 's.. I mean, it's a game based on strategy. This is gonna change the game completely. And also screws over 1000s of players that spent 1000s of bucks. I personally spend at least 100 bucks on growing this build. Now that they change it, I should've just stuck to my main that wasn't gh. But hey, now we all have to buy more xtals to adapt to the changes. Well played devs, well played
  4. I wouldnt spend a dime on fixing your build attk builds will cry about anything else u come up with watch pure spy is next if u cant attack u cant advance at all
    $1000's down the drain
    Thanks cry babies
  5. War is goin to b so lame without gh now
  6. OH YEA I LOVE U ADMINS :D BTW SOS NEEDS TO HAVE PLUNDER INCREASED.Kinda unfair as SOS pays around the same as Guilds now @kaw_admin
  7. Well.... Would SoS's plunder increase?
  8. How about you waiting until after Black Friday sale that way it'll easy up on the big slap in the face your giving us! PUT SOME LUBE ON IT!!
  9. Good job devs, y'all just screwed the new players. By killing the build that makes the best plunder as a starting build, you killed the chances of many people being able to catch up to these t6 or t7 you want to introduce. Way to accommodate the bigger players by screwing over the newer ones
  10. Wow! So much butthurt flowing up in here, it's deafening! ...you know there is ointment for that
  11. Make the nerf an achievement. Base it on how many gh you had at the time of the announcement.
  12. As it stands right now, 1lvl3 beast and 3 lvl4 guilds can hit a build as high as 1lvl3 beast and 24 lvl4 guilds. I'll be watching to see how low the devs drop this hit range.

    If the changes only affect PvP, the guild hansel build will still be a great one to get HL Land Complete because they are so cheap. The only difference will be that there won't be any need to keep that build once this goal is achieved, other than to perhaps accumulate enough money to do the mass conversion instead of doing it piecemeal.
  13. Ugh.  "store up" or "gather" in place of the censored 4 syllable word
  14. a new player that liked the game and read the guides all read GH to begin the game and do eb.

    Nowhere in the guides did it say hey nerf comming.

    so please do not be self righteous and say should have known.

    if this was fair or a fair amount of time to change then there would be no complaints.
  15. @MaxRansom: for the past year, the devs have said they were gonna address the GH issue. Your point is invalid
  16. then why wasn't it a sticky.
  17. Not sure, you need to address the devs for the answer to that.
  18. Oh no guilds are being unbroken...the horror!!

    If you just started say 6 months ago and went gh based on the guides then your not in a world of hurt. You found the cheapest and best beginning build and used it. You got more gold and lands with cheaper buildings than an att build or hansel just starting. Oh no now your "forced" to play like everyone else, tear.

    It's the ones that dropped their builds to gh to exploit them for wars and lost 100s of bil or several tril that were stupid. They made a short term choice that's about to bite them in their ass long term. No sympathy. I say this as a former gh.

    Also, I've noticed people say "but guilds have been here since the beginning, you can't change them now that's unfair". Have you actually read your own comment and thought about it? Kaw started with 3 tiers of att buildings but only 1 spy building instead of 2 or 3. Guilds had 4 levels unlike att buildings to make up for this difference in tiers...L4 was included to compare with a max T3. The only other building with 4 levels is (for now) T1 spy tower to combat the 4 levels of guilds. Before SoS guilds weren't broken really because there were no comparable spy buildings and a L3 WA was only 50% stronger so the biggest stat difference for a max build back then was 650k all guilds hitting a 950k all WA. No one would complain that a 4m spy was hitting a 6m balanced att build.

    Once SoS came out then the problems began with guilds and gh. I've never figured out why they didn't fix guilds after SoS came out because it was fairly obvious guilds didn't fit the pattern the rest of the buildings fit. Devs are finally setting guilds in line with the other buildings. People are only upset because they've gotten use to guilds the way are instead of the way they should've been all along. Everyone is complaining about a building being fixed now that should've been fixed over 3 years ago.