Level 4 Guild Change

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by admin, Nov 22, 2013.

  1. Lol this won't stop the exploit of gh it will only make it worse once its figured out. Kaw_Admin pls get ready for loads of feedback and more tears when we figure it out.
  2. Devs all I would like to know is the plunder ratios. I mean let's say currently a level 4 guilds boosts plunder by 2mil where's maybe a level 1 SOS will increase plunder by 500k. After the change will u shift this thing between these or will you guys be deteriorating the current guild plunder keeping the SOS level 1 plunder same? please answer
  3. Just curious why should you all get recompensated for a build you drop to be a gh? Yea it sucks but no one forced you all to drop your original build in the first place.
  4. There is no way to compensate everyone to tear down builds for GH converserion. However, I do suggest that for the week or so prior to mechanic changes, and maybe a week after, that when people tear down buildings, even just spy buildings, that a full building refund is issued instead of the partial refund. This will help a little. I'm not even a GH, but this change will affect a lot of players and a lot of clans. It should be made at least a bit easier for people to adjust to such a big change in mechanics, especially since GH builds don't make much gold as it is. Thanks.
  5. To all those complaining of how much it'll cost to convert the build out of GH. After many, many comments of how much cheaper it was, and how much better, well, now you're stuck with the grind like the rest of us have been. Ain't that a shocker? No, not really. Blah blah blah so many trillions. Yeeeeeah. Point? Same as the rest of us. Not exactly handing out penalty points here.
  6. The only think that I seen was bad about the guilded hancels was that I couldn't hit them back annoying as hell but not complaining.

    The fact that they are meant to make more is not true but then again not everyone's a Titan/garden build so I wouldn't know what they compare with the others but the fact is I got convinced to be a gh so changed all of my LL maxed titans to max guilds and my plunder dropped stupidly yeah the ally plunder was higher but overall I was making more on skimming as a attack build.
  7. So if ur a gh u should change build?
  8. As a mid, I cant help but think that I can now find more people accepting my build. It does seem to be a drastic change, but at least gh are being given a week.

    It shocks me to see so many crying foul when all season you have said that you were working on the gh problem. I applaud this update and just wish it had come earlier.
  9. Nice.

    The GH is an exploit of the system. Glad you were able to recognize the imbalance, and fix it.

    Game on!
  10.  And again nothing pinkiesh.. Just more kill of the game... Kaw changes so much.. Lets kill Gh and make t7.... The fakesgoldmachines gone and invent a probl. Real expensive t7... But wait Maybe just maybe we get a pink unicorn avatar !! hoeray.... Sad just sad kaw should stopped at t4....
  11. GH removal kills the game? More like everyone can actually grow and wars are based on strategy
  12. Large attack builds can make 90m a hit. If GH plunder is unfair then so is that.
  13. I've exploited GH more than all of u. I probably have more GH banks than any if you. The reason I ain't moaning is I can adapt and can't wait to **** on noobs who've converted from the and suck with a normal build
  14. Six-month that's called spending over 10t in your build u ******* idiot BAHAHA
  15. If you spend 10t in your build I think u DESERVE 90m a hit
  16. To kaw admin since the droves of guild hansels are upset why not just make them pay per hit ( in eerather then them paying 2-11 mi- in fact you could make all builds pay within a range -- or make them earn per hit what they pay 
  17. 

    About time, and now everyone is worried about specifics with the changes. T4 isn't that expensive anymore so you guys will be just fine. Bravo for addressing this devs, bravo 
  18. For all this screaming and crying... I believe the devs said they would slightly adjust things. I'm guessing that a GH is still going to be the cheapest and quickest way to open lands for a new account/player. Probably will just make the 5% plunder bonus thing on those defensive buildings actually worth something. And really for someone starting out you're not losing that much if you had a GH it was super cheap to build. If you took down a several trillion dollar build to go back to a GH I can understand you being bothered cause that is a good chunk of change. That said... I don't think GH plunder is going to suck terribly just the hit range in wars will be closer to their stat range. I think that actually is going to be the bigger change and one that will have a larger effect on the game.
  19. TERRA SAYS IT BEST! Thank You Devs for putting the cocky gh where he belongs! They all walk around like they the best thing since sliced bread. but they are really spoon fed crybabies! Work like the rest of us! Take some real inc in war like the rest of us! Now you get a taste of your own medicine. Deal with it