Level 4 Guild Change

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by admin, Nov 22, 2013.

  1. I say lets just make GH pay as much as they can make off you :)
  2. Alright. I see where you're coming from now.

    But why not give us more then 1 week to work with?
  3. I actually fully understand KaWs reasoning, don't know about you
  4. Insane as I've said I don't mind a GH nibbling at my ankles lol they part of the game... The problem is the imbalance in matchmaking they create... I'd be in complete favor of keeping all mechanics of GH outside of EE the same, as long as certain hit ratio aspects were changed in EE and EE only. Outside of ee I mean does anyone really care about GH plunder?
  5. @ashvar.

    I understand that this is bad for my build, and I don't care that much, it's a game. Just saying that many people will be, and are, outraged, and many will stop spending, and some will quit over this.

    If the devs had wanted to make money off this, they would have not done it, they are solely doing it for the complainers, and did not realize the extent of the guild hansel community.
  6. @kaw_admin

    That is good solid reasoning. I hope no one will argue with that :) I respect your decision.

    Hope that many guild Hansel players will not simply quit because of their build being nerfed.
  7. No, not useless, but GH builds will be less effective in wars.
  8. So wait .... devs.... This has nothing AT ALL to do with imbalanced matches due to GH lowering overall CS?
  9. That is good reasoning.

    My understanding:

    You want people to stay engaged in the game by setting goals, and they were ignoring your goals.
  10. Great because you want us to spend money on xstals and seals to grow these big accounts?
    I thought kaw was a war game??
    What happened to that whole ideology, oh I remember you made ebs.
    Then you made higher tier structures to get bigger, then again made better paying ebs.
    There are very few people left in kaw who play to war!
    You changed the game and many of us have a hard time catching up because we cant spend the money to run 3x haunts daily or buy xstals for ebs everyday.
    We are a growing community and its great all the things you have done.
    But you are killings us man.
    I dont even know im writing, its going to get passed over anyways………
  11. @kawadmin
    Thank you and I'm fine with the change I haven't warred yet so ATM I'm not effected and what about eb payout will that be decreased along with plunder?
  12. So why not make a better paying EB? Y make Ebs 10x harder and payout only 10% better? Haunting has been around for 2 years, and was implemented along with other Ebs to remove plunder wars. So as game has progressed why not incorporate better paying Ebs without the need to buy seals? Why extend 3x haunting so long when u originally said it was a promotional thing? I see your point about growing and I feel you but I AIN'T BUYING WHAT U SELLING. You contradict yourself. I can recommend quite a few ways to make good $$$ without pissing off loyal customer base and your current has pushed a lot out of the door and several others will follow. Until I see a real commitment to help us grow I don't believe a thing you say. And this is coming from a guy who has played and payed for your game for almost 4 years. Please respect loyalty and stop being a self absorbed ...... U can fill in the blanks.
  13. Your current ways*
  14. i find the decision not to compensate those who didnt flood your inbox with complaints about how unfair gh were n ban gh becausevlets be honest this is the only reason u have done it shocking . i just bit down hard n tore down ma build because u didnt do this sooner ...so i am a victim of timing rather than anything else.............but u have made a rod for your back because trust me giving into that was worst thing u could have done because next comes the thread to ban pure spy or hansels or lb players until evetually we are all the same......great job
  15. Give the devs time to tweek this change to make spy build up to par. In no other reality this should be a competition. Why would someone whose 1/25 of HF size, a fraction of the cost(didn't do the math but guessing 1/50), be on the same playing field? That's like pee wee football players playing ball against the 49ers. GH was ONLY acceptable and on par with the game before EBs were added on and getting to 1.5mcs took almost a year of playing due to the fact what you kids call farming was in fact was the whole game, lol. All the other builds EVOLVED with the changes in the game and so should GHs too. I can actually applaud the devs/Kaw without any sarcasm. Thank you and now for all the other things to make the game revert to what made clans and alliances mean something. And the true meaning to kingdoms at war.
  16. I'm done talking, as soon as I get more than simply 1 week to prepare for this nerf or a reason as to why not.
  17. If they can't make money kaw can't change to fit needs of the majority as in my opinion of buying xtals before the thing for the charity thing and after that along with pro packs
  18. That's a complicated question. It definitely was part of the our decision, I can't deny that. But if that were the only issue we might have found some other way around it.