Lets Talk: Intelligent Discussion

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -WillyTheDeuce-, Aug 11, 2016.

  1. Sounds painful  The salt...
  2. #Lame bro
  3. I see what you did there, Op!, :?.
  4. Cheese 'Yummy' I hear ata passes around the lube at work and decide what customers they are gona use it on.

    Just rumors though ;)
  5. I have to admit too much truth there. This recent shenanigans, AGAIN, by the Devs, shows their inability to run this much longer. And to try to add this fake Charlie character as a person of the ppl of KAW? Really Devs? This the best you can do? It's all nonesense.
    Smoke and Mirrors at its best. Too bad most of KAW mbrs see through this charade of yours.
  6. "Look someone used the same title format as me! Hey everyone look! I started something!"




    I'm dead now.
  7. We have CheeseNips on sale at my workplace and it pisses me off. Like, I want to smear name brand crackers all over my body in the dead of night, not some stupid off brand.
  8. Mixing Cheez-Its with Vaseline...sounds like you going to be in for one rough ride
  9. I laughed so hard lol nice thread Willy 10/10
  11. Perhaps you should try a different recreational drug before posting
  12. Lmao
  13. Bro, do u even forum?
  14. I like turtles too
  15. I'm sorry willy but you was here answering questions and taking part for longer than 29 seconds. You also didn't reject every one else's opinions.
    Please kindly stick to the format that the 'one who shall remain nameless' started.
    Thank you for not replying in advance.

  17. I think it would be a most effective laxative.

  18. Excellent.

  20. #rekt #rip #haha #savage