Let's Stop Shedding Tears for the LB.

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Aug 27, 2014.

  1. I agree 100% people take this game way to personally…and actually get offended when someone doesnt…this community is like a super highschool based on shiny things and popularity…give me a break lol
  2. On the highschool quote it is very much like that and other ata games are like other highschools :| people will hate others that even admit they play any of the other games,

    Newbies are treated badly as well like in highschool, my year had a thing of hating everyone in lowers / higher years for no reason and the same for hating other schools.

    It feels like real life half the time the devs and mods are like teachers, people will suck up to mods and then hate them for being told off, devs are treated like the horrible high school teacher.

    Just like children really
  3. Philosopher

    You make it sound like harb speaks for the entire lb population. He likely didn't even know about the issue.

    The fact he didn't mention it doesn't make the issue any less real.
  4. The problem with keeping the round wars is that the people who participate will be using them to simply get a "no match" and get a free and easy way to keep their gold edge.

    That's all this is about is giving a way for a few elite players to keep their precious edge with out havingt to work for it
  5. Philo u just chat the biggest bs. Ata care about their income. Making bfa and bfe worthless in half of all wars is not good for income. Lb not spending money is fair enough. Anyone with decent bfa would be annoyed or decent bfe. Making lb do indi is unfair too when devs cant match the strongest players fairly and you have #5 allie lb vs #50 allie lb lol (fix is easy too, give no match for #5 lb if suitable lb arent casted). Furthermore primal took bfa and bfe into matchups and then made lb pay more than their cs counterparts due to the bfa they had that they did not get to use. Clearly u dont war or you would have seen clan wars had to return with primal being a fail and having 2-4 clans signing up only while old clan wars would have 10 clans signed up, as well as the clear issues primal had in matchups and payouts. You just post the biggest bs in forums continually. It makes me laugh at times though. The osw coverage can be funny.
  6. Rush_lim

    You can do that in primal too. Cast a few statless alts and boom no match.

    Seen it done dozens of times
  7. Troll, you are quite astounding. You brag about how you Tl;Dr the thread, post opinions that had little to do with the original topic, and then claim you won some sort of moral victory over me. You remind me of the "The Office" episode when the boss loses a quiz contest and then tries to claim victory by throwing a shoe over the roof.

    However I will give you this: the issue you mention is indeed real: its just not the topic of this thread. I suggest you make one about it, since you have such passion. I will be the first to post if I am not working. :geek:
  8. @ Killa

    You are not one of these people that feel game developers are stupid morons, are you? YOu think when introducing primals that ATA had absolutely no idea that they may upset some big bfa spenders? Of course they did. In spite of this, however, they cut bfa from s4. That's how big of a problem ROund wars were in S3. In my opinon, S3 whas a No Match disaster that cost the devs much more in reputation than any big spending LB player could make up for. The took a stand against the LB fully-knowing their reaction because they wanted to save the fun of the game. It was messy and perhaps they didnt come up with the best solution, but I applaud their effort either way.
  9. I'm sorry I don't watch television so I don't get you allusion.

    Moral victory? I would call it a logical victory actually
  10. Let's look at it this way if allies haven't been a part of this game since the beginning someone half red stars size could hit him. Now let's add allies no one can hit him but people some what close to him, hell I bet #5 couldn't get through with a successful hit
  11. And you all forget. Only like the top 200 lb can even attack redstar. Him being on a roster won't effect most of you'll at all.



    Redstar can be on a roster all day long, but if you run no lb he can't hit anyone.

    Quit crying
  12. Same goes for dunno and cella, I can't even attempt a scout on them.
  13. Troll, did you realize that's the problem philo meant ? You give some valid arguments, I won't deny this, but the main prob philo stated was some lbers(SOME, not all) went crying cause they felt being in a disadvantage which does not exist for them. Round wars will just end up with them stacking roster and not getting a match->free rancors edge.

    Anyway, ee is ****** up since season 1, exploited system which doesn't help 90% of KaW, who cannot commit in it and gave up trying to, cause of all these sucking clans stacking lb/gh(sh) rosters.

    Devs should concentrate on real pvp updates:) as it was promised in decembre 2013, where the devs announced "pvp action making you really happy" to be released in mid jan, or mid February. Well.... I guess you can check what date we have:) I'm still not happy with the current pvp and the direction osw developed.

    So devs, scew you you're nothing but liars.

    Sorry for my grammar️
  14. The disadvantage did exist for the lbs. look at page 1 post 2....
  15. Like are you naive enough to say paying 2x as much and making less per hit isn't a huge disadvantage?
  16. I guess you mean 3, cause 2 is "reserved";), but I see your point. I can follow your argumentation and said I agree with some of it. Playing indi wars would maybe show who's a real fighters of the lbers;) and the problem could be easily changed with not counting bfa of your opponent into plunder bonus. Won't happen though. Ee is exploited and quite dead, EBs like HTE(which was a limited EB...... For 5 years?) destroyed osws and 98% in this game are pussies running from a fight:) releasing a new sever with low/highlands only and pwar system would be the only solution I can see to make this game worth playing again
  17. Playing Indy wars will give the win to the biggest lb team the majority of the time.

    The exclusion to this rule is when there are unorganized teams or inactives...

    I personally hate Indy wars. Won't do them on this account.
  18. 3 different wars per day..everyone gets to play. LB's, tanks, mids, pesky sh, the incomplete leaky builds and the infamous pure spies  That is a fair distribution of wars to support all of KAW community. Everyone gets a piece of cake ;) if you think your cake isn't enough..that's okay. The oracle is just a tap away lol I hear they deliver. To completely disregard and exclude a certain KAW population from the hottest thing in town is not only bad for business but biased in every opinion. So while you whine and raise a storm about it, try to remind yourself that this is still a business ($$$) cha ching lol so of course ATA will listen. This is what pays for their Ferraris. Unless you are willing to dig digger in your pockets, I would highly recommend that you enjoy the variations of wars at your disposal ;) saves you time and energy.

    Btw It's truly naive to think that the developers of this game would exclude round wars altogether lol this is when the big peeps come out to play haha stack stack stack  who cares. Let them have their war just like everyone else. Limit is the key not exclusion 

    Cheers 
  19. The rich always win