Let's Stop Shedding Tears for the LB.

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Aug 27, 2014.

  1. Yea. It was Someone in rising hawks, Deutschland or ayiraa or something.
  2. Support. When I'm back to my PC, Il try to go into detail and argue with these people who don't think this is true.
  3. That was Silph.
    It was due to not being able to hit anyone on the opposing side.
  4. This thread is bs. Philo u waste our time with your nonsense.

  5. lol you think 50-100 a month will get lb
  6. Hello, Hlneo. thanks for commenting. I've seen you fight in many war platforms. I made this thread mainly in response to Harb's thread where he whines about having to fight with noobs in Indie, and how ATA is not giving him the respect for all the money he is spending. Unfortunately he is in a different category than you.

    BTW, and this is also directed at -Troll-, Never once on his thread does Harb mentioned about the payout disparity. This is an issue that may need addressing, but that does not necessarily mean that bringing back Round wars is the solution.

    As for the part of "what's the use complaining?" Well Harb kicked and screamed until he got his way, so complaining seems to work very well. I'm just here to show the devs that not everyone is a LB fanboy.
  7. I just don't see any good rationale for punishing lb players by reducing their plunder and increasing their pay value when their bfa doesn't help them.

    Yes it is true a certain cadre of lb players have gamed the system horribly in the past, as have sh.

    A good war system would prevent these exploits, but collective punishment of all big lbs is not the way to go.
  8. I like the idea of adding in all types of wars. There is more than one clan who manipulate the mechanics with SH/PS - Tank combinations, and even huge BFA all SH. Give them one war each day, with a floating timeslot, it hurts no one, the ones who don't want to war with a manipulated roster can sit out one war. Then round wars become a war of strategy and speed between the ones who choose to do them.
    I have a few diff builds myself, and spend money on them all, this acct pretty much got skipped over because it was weak on attk heavy on ADT, but couldn't plunder well against tanks, no one else used many mids, if they did they had as many towers as I did, and it was a null war for us, so I was a leak to tanks. Indie war answered that issue for me, and also gave me the ability to bring in my EB build, and my Hansel. It doesn't damage anyone to have all three types of wars, in my honest opinion, it opens the door to many more people to war, while they adjust there build, and hopefully find a perm clan to war from once the build is truly primal ready.
    I just like to participate in ee, I have a job and no time for osw, and EE is a sport of sorts. They are different animals all together , but that's what makes KAW fun for so many people, choose your style of play, and GO!
    I recently went HLBC on both my attk builds..... well not any more.... so EB's are a must to start over aiming at the three trill mark for a new HLBC, in the mean time all these EE styles are a positive step for all, cause I can do indi, with any acct.
  9. So, correct me if I'm wrong, but Redstar has 24hrs to dump his bucket of Allies over his head or donate Trillions to the common folk of KaW? (That would be a Charity?)


    Shiz Just Got Real!

  10. lol Lots of post from a LB love who brags about how he didn't read my thread. Apparently you didn't read Harb's either because he never mentions even once the payout disparity, which you characterize as the "key problem". Harb is more worried about lowering himself to Indie wars and how he has been disrespected.

    But let me repeat my refutation of your point (which I already said, but alas, apparently went unread): Payout disparity in primals could be fixed by other means. It does not necessarily mean we have to bring back Rounds.
  11. actually harb did not get his way, and doubt he would have until the issue in primal wars were brought to the attention of devs and they dont have an easy fix, or can fix it at all.

    until then it was ignored by Kaw
  12. I don't really give a **** that they added another variety of war. People should be able to use what they earned. But don't kid yourself to Why it was changed. Ata hasn't been listening to a damn thing anyone has said until self serving leader board players came down from their ivory towers to post on forums. Would be nice if they put pressure on the apes for the good of all and not just what concerns them.
  13. Sounds to me like a 11 year old is throwing a tantrum
  14. I think the issue is with people, both LB and not, using round style wars in a way that pretty much handed them a match. Some say exploit, some strategy. I for one have warred in all seasons and the amount of no matches was frustrating. That almost made is necessary to follow the game and put in sh into rosters. You could not get the bonus unless you did.

    Bring us to now. I have greatly enjoyed indi wars. I find that you tend to war with/against the same people. This in itself has created a fun little group of warriors. Thank you devs for this style.

    Primal wars are another style that I believe had been suggested by the Kawmunity at one point. Devs brought it out. I for one cannot get lucky with these wars, but they can also be fun. I think many LB don't like it due to them not used to being hit. Swallow that pride guys and gals. We all get hit. It's fun.

    The round wars will be rostered just as before. Lb will get their equip they want for free. No use complaining. Devs have given us all 3 styles so let's just play. It really worth complaining about.


  15. Sometimes in life the correct decision is still a messy one. If you get sarcoma cancer in your arm, the doctor will probably amputate it. Is it what the doctor wants to do? Of course not. Is it what he has to do? Yes.

    The devs are like the doctor. They are reacting to a situation we made, and trying to salvage it in the best way possible. I see the silver player CLoud made a thread asking for a gentlemans agreement not to war SH builds in S4. The thread didn't get very far. Basically we are human, and if we can take an easy way out, we usually do. Unfortunately these decisions end up haunting us later on.
  16. Phil, first let me thank you for always posting debate inspiring threads, and informational threads about current events in KAW. With that said, I must ask you.
    Does one timeslot a day negate your gameplay in any way?
    Some people spent a lot of time to gather BFA.
    Some spent a lot of time collecting great BFE.
    Some spend lots of money to maintain their account, and still do not have LB status.
    A lot of people call it manipulation, others call it strategy, its never the less gameplay to ones own liking. With all the options on the table, pick the one you want to be effective at, and run with it.
    You don't have to participate in round wars, you still have other options, if people opt for the style they like it will be more evenly matched during that time slot. I'm not saying you don't have a point, yes KAW has catered to a few big spender, but they play the game to their liking.
    I agree with the decision to implement round wars. Some people worked very hard to make their acct useful in them, to remove them entirely is a slap in the face.
    But to me its important to have the choice, anyway... I will hush now.
  17. Well because devs are stupid ill be building a sh for s4
  18. The problem is that people like to blame others for there actions :roll: If someone loses a war they get butthurt and point fingers at everyone saying either:

    Devs have made bad match up
    You didn't sko properly
    The other team was too strong

    It's just for fun and as soon as you blame someone for a stupid ass game you ruin the fun for everyone else.

    SH builds aka gh builds purposely built on a exploit ruining the ee for everyone else, devs found a solution to this with indi wars and nerfing the gh build.

    LB do get special treatment because they spend the most, and dts for everyone, properly making it so they don't get a match up.

    But everyone else does stupid ass crap as well, from not knowning how to war, demanding you need to xtral and spend money just to war on a free to play game.

    You lot complain that devs only run kaw to suck the money dry, yet you yourselves have made it a requirement to spend not devs. Can't blame someone for your own actions.

    People / players shape kaw to the way they want it devs only give players what the highest demand is.

    Which runs on to other complains about hte and no pvp.

    Hte is for if you want to earn more gold than usual ebs, they help weak get strong and the strong become LB. The problem is no one is buying pots to war with, no one is stripping and everyone is inflating already over price allies.

    So my point is that people make this game to personal, hits and steals are like a punch in face to some, hiring someone's ally like like stealing and sleeping with the partner for others. Everyone is guilty of making the game personal and ruining the fun for everyone as a whole.
  19. @ Huma

    Nice, well thought out response. Agree.
  20. @ wolfie

    Agree the game does get very personal for some. This includes LB accounts that prefer to avoid fair EE war if it means they cannot continue their dominating ways.