Let's Stop Shedding Tears for the LB.

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Aug 27, 2014.

  1. Gotta love this naivelty. You believe the LB earned their spot fairly with their own blood, sweat and tears? I got a bridge to sell you......
  2. Here is an abstract idea.

    How about you and players who want to avoid the leaderboards bfa war in primal and mind your own business while warring in Indy wars and primal?

    It'll most likely end up with a stacked fest in round wars between lbs. let them duke it out.

    Won't affect you now that there are 5 other war slots PER DAY.
  3. Agree with troll others don't have to do round wars if there scared of lb they can stick to primal and indies
  4. No more tears? That was a whole damn sob fest. Jealousy at its finest.
  5. Lol,

    We can't do round wars even if we wanted to. Why? Because you stack them. It's not a matter if I want to or not.
  6. Guess troll ran out of reasons. He is using the "not your business". We want fair troll. Devs have claimed the system to be broken as phil stated yet they return it for LB sake.
  7. I guess the problem is that it waters down the field of players There will be less players doing all the wars making matchups even harder. I hope no one has forgotten the NO Match fiasco of S3. It also doesn't address the problem of clan stacking that occurs in Round wars.
  8. Fair?

    How are Indy wars fair for lb? One with biggest will win (unless there are a **** ton of noobs which is likely)

    How are primal wars fair? One with most big tanks wins

    Round wars are no different, except it's the speed of SH and lbs as the controlling factor.
  9. Maybe id see what trolls saying except lb only use classic wars to either go too big to get a no match n renew ee or stack w sh. Both system exploits. Devs put in primal indy to solve these. But now they just gave in. I do feel bad for the true lb warriors but thats a rare beast
  10. No one forces you to participate. If you don't like it DONT DO IT. simple damn logic.

    But contradicting yourself does not help your case.
  11. We'll there less round wars then indies and primal a basically devs are giving lb players there wars along with all of us with the wars we want so makes fair for all players in the game who cares if there round wars u don't have to do them and just wait for ur primal and Indy war to start I don't see any problems
  12. That's the thing go, they won't be able to avoid each other stacking in round wars since there is only 1 per day.

    It'll end up lb vs lb.

    Why do you all mind this? They won't be destroying noobs, they will be fighting each other.
  13. S4 is gonna be no match city.

    6 wars a day? Ain't nobody got time for that. ATA spreading it too thin.

    And turnouts for the standard exploit wars will be smaller.

    I smell a disaster
  14. U can beat big lb in individual wars did it in war 6 against imf. I have also lossed with the biggest lb in war. The watering down of wars is already in affect with 6 wars a day. The round wars are a good addition because even though u cry about harb warring in these wars maybe look at his war history. They normally don't have many sh. Now yes they did cast 3 massive lb and rest ps.
  15. While there have been some mismatches, I have seen many very close primals. I have been in at least two where victory was decided by less than 200mil.
  16. These wars have gotten too complex. Too much manipulating 'the system.' Too much complaining. Too many ideas about how to fix it. I don't know what to think about them anymore.
  17. Troll the biggest don't win indi wars, matches are really fair during indi. The most organized win.