Let's Stop Shedding Tears for the LB.

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Aug 27, 2014.

  1. Your arguments are totally invalid, clans can no match without round wars.

    Makes you lose all credibility.
  2. Whatever you say, Troll. Judging by the overwhelming response I got on this thread, on my wall and in pms, looks like a lot of people feel I have credibility.
  3. round wars are back for 1 reason and 1 reason only: so that those who can't fight on even terms can get what they want. Be it lb/sh stacking or nm stacking. Either way they griped enough to get what they wanted from the devs.

    Troll you spend so much time in these forums yest you fail to see the fact that the devs themselves have OPENLY said that the round wars are exploitable and they can do nothing to fix them. They are being left "as is" so enter @ your own risk.

    LB do jot want to do primal if they have no towers. Because ppl like me with some towers are able to hit them and they fail returning hits. I get that. Fine, you don't want to do primals because of the pay differnece. Fine, I get that too.

    Oh, so you're saying that the indi wars are flawed too? Well, I'm sorry but the LB indi wars have proper builds in most cases and yes the biggest lb in the war CAN lose. How? Because the other side is bigger 2-24 overall and that 1 lb skews the match up. I've seen it happen a few times.

    Phil is right in the majority of what he has said. The round wars are back because LB and sh both complained that they could not use the system we as a community as a whole broke and then bitched until the devs gave us fixes. Doesn't matter how much money anyone has spent; the game is full of humans and we broke it. Looking for the easiest way to get what we wanted. Typical human nature.
  4. Troll vs Phil

    Fight! Fight! Fight!

  5. dunno if anyone has said this, but there is no longer a rancor level for the lb to cheat like that anymore, they have to fight as we will be getting awarded medals now which don't go down if we lose, so despite the lb players getting what they want they still have to fight to keep getting a higher medal number, only thing it will help is they will get to keep ee5 a lot longer getting there no matches that they used to get again!
  6. I'll start off with one thing- Im a flippen noob. Been playing almost 4 years but never had the determination or could be stuffed spending the cash needed on the game. Thumbs up tontine ppl that do. However, regardless of that crap your point, philo, is totally valid. Lb are too damn big. And they seem to throw that weight around, or 'cheat the system' as someone said which is not ok. However your solution is absurd. You challenged them to throw away their bfa for the good of kaw. You're asking them throw away the tens of thousand of real money they have spent to gain that advantage. Not fair.
  7. Rancor lvls are irrelevant to lb. it's edge they war for. Primal and indi wars bring the most lvl playing field. Yep there's definitely a risk of getting teamed with inactives and noobs but its a risk that everyone is at. Which makes it fair.
  8. There are some pros and cons on this thread and everyone has a fair share of their opinions, and I do have some too - while I am not exactly on either side..

    1. The primal wars - this brings down the level to a "true" war state. As I have always mentioned before and was finally implemented, taking all the bonuses away makes it downright "fair". You level the playing field and you war against the clan most similiar to yours. With the bfa and bfe equation off, its much easier to narrow down the differences between clans and lessens the gap.

    2. Indie wars - this on the other hand, for most "top tier" players, is a game of chance. As most likely for other players too, but most of all, on the top tiers. When 1 of the top 10 LB casts, you'll hope you're in their team, and the other clan wont stand a chance (This applies to classic war). I been with Laoda, Cella, you name it - and whenever I was with them, I never lost. Its mathematically and technically impossible to win against them (again - in classic war). Then you'll have inactivity issues, build issues, forget equip issues, forget cast issues, etc etc. but well I guess nothings perfect? But I had fun and had my fair share of wins and losses. This gives a chance for bigs, wanting to take advantage of their hard earned equips and bfa put to good use and smack each other.

    3. The Round Wars - the old style war stacking. While I enjoyed some of these wars too, but it really sucks when you are paired with a similar stack, but with LARGER LBs, and voila, just like the indi wars, its mathematically and technically impossible to win 99% of the time. Unless you get inactives or other anomalies. But some people are quite happy with it as well as its really an enjoyable war when you get paired evenly. It takes a good strategy, wc, and tk, to win it. Like any other wars.

    In the end, I think having all 3 wars is great, it serves different customer base and build, and brings out a different experience in all types. I have warred all 3 and I had fun (and not fun) times too! I enjoyed them and will war them all depending on my mood and friends. Not to mention, doing Indi wars makes me new friends too!

    So its not about whining, its about having a wide player base with gaps and trying to make everyone happy. If you dont like a type (or two types - or all types), then dont war it! If you still hate ee wars and want the good ol 1 vs 1 pvp, hit someone from Apoc, Zaft, NA, Etc etc, and tell their clan owner this is strictly 1 vs 1 (make sure its your size though - bullying will on exert excessive force - bullies get bullied eventually).

    And dont forget, its a GAME! Have FUN!
  9. They have indi wars and they got osw. How are they losing their bfe and bfa? They can even use it on their battle list. Ask again, how are they giving it up?
  10. Frankly I don't care if there is one 'round' war a day. Skip it if u don't like it. My issue is that when the majority of law asks for something, war xstals, pvp updates, fixed match system, smaller roster sizes, we get ignored and stalled. The lb don't like something, boom, lightspeed change. Way to disrespect your customer base. Two of ata's games have already folded. Your wargame competition is running commercials on Sportcenter. Better step up customer service devs, seriously. Your competition is outspending u, lb style, lol
  11. People will always support bringing down anyone/anything more powerful than they are. It doesn't necessarily validate all the arguments put forth in this thread but solidifies an age old 'class' struggle.

    Devs should reimburse whats been spent, revert all accounts to common strength and then remove nobs and xtals so it will always be exactly even. That would fix everything.
  12. Funny enough last round War rp did, they lost to two lb LOL, glad I didn't war. I like primal. I knew they had lost before it had began. Fair play to my clannies, they fought to the end
  13. Round wars have for the most part been terrible. Harbringer basically just cried because the devs wouldn't let him exploit the system anymore. Even Troll is singing a different tune after posting 20 times or so on this thread about what what a noob I am. The true noob has been revealed.