Let's role-play

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Captevyo (01), Sep 2, 2012.

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  1. My name is captain Muatakakauouo
    And I officially destroy this threadboom!
  2. You should join a RP clan. Forum frowns upon RP. If you MUST RP please use the fan fiction section
  3. He's already in one.
  4. Oh the little role players.... How have they not been wiped off the face of kaw yet? Oh yeah, dtw
  5. Name: none of your business

    Weapon: pancake

    Clan: house of pancakes

    Quote: "feel thy wrath of thy pancake"
  6. Name: IWASHERE
    weapon: zebra head
    Quote: he may beat you in a battle of wits but defiantly not a battle of *****
  7. Name: Siegrain Weapon: Heavenly Body Magic Clan: Tower Of Heaven Quotes: If you ain't first, you're last !
  8. I'm Katniss from District 12

    Trust me, I made that up 

    my weapon of choice is a bow and arrow.

    *Shoots OP in face*

    The games are surely not in youve favour mother fucker ;)
  9. Name: Cookies

    Weapon: Razor sharp Cookies

    Epic- I ate the cookie monster
  10. Clan: cookies

    Quote: Eat this!
  11. I think that's a bypass buddy.
    Dildo seems like a word that would be filtered.
  12. Name: Captevyo
    Weapon: Bad Thread
    Clan: The Fail
    Epic: Ask the Forumers
    Quote: "Let's role-play"
  13. LOL :lol:
  14. inb4lock ( maybe) :roll:
  15. Moving to fan fic
  16. Poor fanfictioners.
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