Let's make a story Forum Style

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by xX-AverageJoe-Xx, Apr 14, 2013.

  1. I say autocorrect should go to he'll
  2. Moving to fan fic
  3. -__- thanks Moose..
  4. Moose, you can't keep doing this. Just because "Fiction" is the "Fan Fiction" doesn't mean you can throw any old thread here to get it out of the way. People actually use this thread, yes I know it's hard to believe. The threads do have titles for a reason, and if you hadn't noticed this one doesn't say "Trash Bin".

    Take the trash somewhere else, don't dump it on us.
  5. Agreed. At least lock it or something. I miss Melissa... She was the only mod who checked over here... It used to be Tigress as well.. But no one anymore.
  6. I'm sick of Moose -.-
  7. I'm not. I'm just not fond of some stuff he does.
  8. Bellemorte used to actually do things too.
  9. I miss seeing Belle so often.
  10. Well let's get back on track,

  11. Its boring
  12. Why did this get moved into FF again...
  13. Unless I saw it in AT on pc and just assumed someone moved it..
  14. because this is where things that are terrible belong.