lets just wait for changes about gh

Discussion in 'Wars' started by DE_screamkill_DE, Nov 22, 2013.

  1. Re: changing gh will not solve their problem

    I love how the only people hating GH are the attack builds who are too stupid and idiotic to learn how to counter GH's.

  2. Re: changing gh will not solve their problem

    Why make a new thread? There's a couple dozen already. Go join all those GH crying away. Maybe if there's enough of you on one thread we want all have to see active topics full of GH being upset cos a noob build is gone.
  3. Re: changing gh will not solve their problem

    Yup. We are coward builds. After using our logic to hit and win against players 10x bigger than us, we built an easily destroy able but apparently infallible war strategy.
  4. Re: changing gh will not solve their problem


    As usual your comments are asinine. The problem is not just countering gh. I can attack and assassinate the majority of them that have extended their hit range. The problem is the high low stacking that excludes builds and the plunder gap.

    Over many months I have seen gh threads telling people to adapt their build and grow bigger and get towers. We did and spent hundreds of billions, trillions in many cases doing so. We changed, you didn't.

    Now because the abuse of the much became so big and so tempting it started to plateau the game the devs have had to step in and change things. It is now your turn to adapt just like the rest of us did.
  5. Re: changing gh will not solve their problem

    Because we only get less than week and you had all the time in The world.

    Cool story.
  6. Re: changing gh will not solve their problem

    You've had months (years) to bank in allies and bars/pots as preparation for an upgrade that would have to happen at some point. Don't blame everyone else because you weren't smart enough to have a plan B.
  7. Seems like gh's are serving up some wahburgers and french cries,,, lol get over it,, the gh exploit is done,, time to get a real build and stop crying
  8. Gh have had a good run, be grateful and move on.. 
  9. People act like it's still not a viable war build..
  10. Good point.. People can still use gh
  11. All the guild hansels squealing like stuck pigs is bordering on musical. Don't let their diminutive size fool you. They're the true strategic giants of KaW! Just ask em. 
  12. Dragonite, I hate ghansels and I was one. You're should leave the game for complaining about a fix to a flawed system.
  13. I'm sick of reading about GH.

    Op get out.
  14. Its like lance arm strong saying he couldn't compete without drugs, out of 7billion people a very vast majority of people wouldn't be able to compete without drugs. In case of GH same thing, doesn't make it fair for the rest of the people who put in the time and effort to get t4 and five only to have it trumped by a t3 build. Everyone else spent months growing there build same as some GH will but there is no room to complain you stuck with a t3 build now you are forced to upgrade like everyone else has done. I was GH but the only advantages a GH has is to themselves and all things considered its a sellfish build, it doesn't contribute to an eb or in osw unless on the bottom of a clan and mearly unbalances rosters in EE making for boring wars. It is only detrimental to the game and only provides banks as an actual value to any clan