He might be a very annoying forumer... That's about all I have... Still tho. Don't farm iron. Because once I'm done with you you will not need a dr. You will need a priest to pray over your body. Man, I watch too many movies
So honestly this thread was pointless, but farming iron I agree on. I can't however hit him cuss I already made his baby ass ask for cf In fourms... Iron is a joke trying to play hard.
Red is anarchy? Lol and how exactly are I supposed to know that. If that's your main, come at me noob. Or are you scared?
Iron Maiden a good band still? are you deaf? maybe stupid? Listen to real metal you pansies! Suicide silence forever <3
Farming her into a reset won't do anything.... Then she just resets and continues to troll on the reset. And the. U can't take ur anger out on her by hitting her cause she's going be dtw
Hasn't everyone at some point hit Iron maiden ? I mean you just have to watch the fail scouts, but why for the love of god did you bump this :|