lets farm icu and everyone

Discussion in 'Wars' started by savageman, Jun 1, 2014.

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  1. Savage (fake savage) 3b is on topic and not doing anything to make you have him leave. Read ToU
  2. Lol, he's defending me for now. I'm not worried about anything as I have done no wrong in this thread
  3. Fair enough Lol spell check sucks so I'll give you that one. And talking about sf I still have all my allies and last I checked I was not saying strip someone's allies to hit just farm under good hit guidelines and I used no pots how many did you use to fail lol
  4. OP is acting like:[​IMG]

    Everyone else is like: [​IMG]
  5. Wish I was a sh still :( I'd show savage a real bully ;)
  6. Wow thats original you used no pots to fail. I am impressed teach me o great one. Its called pot burning and I fail 5 assassinations out of 16 I will take it. Btw went from 9 to 6 sdp. May want to reup those.
  7. Me to frost lol
  8. Or it only took him 6 pots to stop you and still has 9 left
  9. And I have used 0 pots on you for the record
  10. I have petitioned kaw_community for a friendly war nothing personal. I have supported him in the past. I just am shaking things up a bit so there is no bias in community. Who thinks a secret should be exempt to their own rules.
  11. 6 left and I was successful. So 6 is all he has
  12. What are you talking about secrets for idiot? Were talking about the ways I have been "harassing" you, not the "secrets" the devs keep from us
  13. W[​IMG]
    Abandon thread!!!
  14. I think OP is an attention seeker
  15. we should all hit you for for spamming forums all the time and for for being a noob.
  16. Phone is spazzing trying to see my reply
  17. Op pin:10 you pay crappy
  18. Op cf conditions on my wall
  19. I just unloaded a bar on kaw community.. weak player
  20. Where are those allies now op. 8 full spy bars of steals no fails and oh yeah only 1 sdp pot left...
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