Let's bring the game back to the good times :)

Discussion in 'Wars' started by hacked_account_FOFF_Devs, Feb 20, 2014.

  1. I read the subject and thought
    "Woo osw thread"

    You disgust me OP *spits in eyes*
  2. Curse, you are exactly the kind of spineless worm that sucks all the integrity out of this game. You wanna spit in somebody's eye, why dont you bring your main at me? Grow a pair, chump!
  3. Bump
    Have full support for this 
  4. Support for the zigg
  5. Lmfao i was joking Jesus xD
  6. Valid idea. But being realistic, this is a war game. People are gonna seize every chance to win. But ee isn't war, it's a battle. If clans were willing to war the offending clans, then stacking for a battle would be thought of diffrently. Is winning a one hour battle worth a 3 month war. Let the clans decide, but u would make people think.
  7. If I had a nickel for every time someone mentioned the "good ol days" of kaw..
  8. I support this…devs made the changes everybody asked for…now new "exploits" that some peeps said would occur have…everbody in S2 screamed no matches were better than getting blown out…now everybody screaming about all the no matches lmbo…it wont ever end imo
  9. Problem is they didn't do all the fixes to stabilize ee they half assed it yet again leaving loop holes ....

    As long as there are loop holes clans will take advantage of it

    It would be nice if their was some honor in the game but there isn't maybe a threat like this thread if followed thru might work to help with some of the pain the game has come to ... At the very least it will be a way to take out frustration on someone who deserves it
  10. Good to see you are still doing what you do best DD! Miss ya old man
  11. DD just tell me who should I hit lol
  12. I'd like to be in on some EE's I can't talk my way in anymore peeps in that asked for it clan whined over me hitting back then whine an got me silenced which isn't fair. But I don't hold a grudge, all my buttons still work .wall me for a spot in EE I'm building to tank the assassinates of gh/sh an whom ever like to lurk the shadows I have 0 beef with anyone just wanna grow an have fun. Support Op how your message an campaign have positive results
  13. UPDATE

    I took yesterday off because I needed a break. Today I have had discussions with 3 more clans. 2 are considering and 1 has agreed to roster fairly.

    I will try very diligently to approach more clans today.

  14. If your clan is trying to bring respect and honor to the EE wars. I commend u for being proactive in this crusade. If you are doing this and come across a clan that is not, fight the good fight or simply don't mith and don't make any hits.

    I am sure the  sh GH clan will love their hugely reduced mith 
  15. This was a great idea in theory - kudos to the clans that did try , but stacking is never going to stop - and its all slowly going back to before lol
  16. this is awesome for what you're trying to do support