Let's bring the game back to the good times :)

Discussion in 'Wars' started by hacked_account_FOFF_Devs, Feb 20, 2014.

  1. I support farming SH's. Legit as **** yo!
  2. Full Support

    We gotta do something coz devs dont give a ____ about what the community says :evil:
  3. Support.

    There are times we need to police ourselves. The devs can only do so much. They have hundreds of players analyzing their system for an exploit. Someone will always find something if given enough time. Their is probably no such thing as "exploit proof".

    Death, I don't have any influence anywhere that matters for your mission, but if I can help you, please contact me.
  4. This may be eye opening for some of you, I know it was for me. The exploitation of rosters has truly become depressing. I applaud those of you fielding legitimate rosters. Killerds, Vixen - Your conviction to do the right thing is admirable.

    For all of the mid-builds out there wondering why you can't get a chance to war.. here are the numbers from war 8:

    The Good
    Clan/Number of Shadow Hansels/Pure spies
    Gnomeland Security 0
    ---No RemorSe--- 0
    WarLoR 1
    I-N-S-U-R-G-E-N-C-E 2
    SILVER 2
    KotFE Awakening 3
    The_Agency 3
    IIl-_'V'E'N'G'E'A'N'C'E'_-lIl 4 1ps

    The Bad
    Clan/Number of Shadow Hansels/Pure spies
    -S26TR- 0 (Used LB and Some Pure Spies)
    SG Supper Club 5 1ps
    Chronos Battlegrounds 7

    The Ugly
    Clan/Number of Shadow Hansels/Pure spies
    irAe infinituS 9 3ps
    Mini Mooncake 9
    Mushroom Kingdom 9 2ps
    -EXODUS- 10 1ps
    -Kingdom Heartz- 10
    La Resistance 10
    Spartans of The under world 10
    Ghost Legion 11
    -i-n-s-t-i-n-c-t- 11 3ps
    S.O.T.R.A Folkvangr 11 3 ps
    Udder Madness 11
    -DeVaSt4TioN- 12
    The Sweet Escape 12
    -WTF- 12 1ps
    _23 and 1_ 13
    K R E U Z R I T T E R 13 2 ps
    Warriors Pride 13
    Articles of Confederation 14
    Rising Hawks 15

    To Clan Owners/War Commanders exploiting the system
    You are the ones that can fix this situation, just like Vixen and killerds have chosen to do. If you would like to make a change I ask that you post your intentions to this thread. DD's proposal of 5 SH and/or PS seems fair to me and I can't see any reason to not comply. For those that want to keep cheating.. We are coming for you.

    Anyone that wants to join our efforts in returning EE wars to a legitimate part of the game please contact DD.
  5. Full support DD! This season has made many in my clan not want to war for the rest of the season. I will support you any way I can. 
  6. Much support to this️
    ༺Á̸P☣Ć̸A̸Ł༒ཾPS̸Ξ༻͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟--ػཥཐའϯཐ--ཛ།༏ϯཇ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟
  7. To all those clans on the naughty list...

    Seriously? I know many people in a lot if those clans personally. Lets all be part of of the solution. NOT PART OF THE PROBLEM!!!!

    We need to get a grip on this. Currently 1 of those clans is engaged by me and a few others. Let's go. This is something we can do ️
  8. Since DD put 5 limit ima respect his call, I personally would have been 0 limit for build throwing fkrs that messes all this up and devs sitting on their hands doing nothing it's a shame really they capped ASWs to top 2500 or 5000 why can't they do same here, should be easy fix for them.
  9. Support!
    It may seem against the human nature to simply give uo what they enjoy, but it works! I think farming em would be a good enough punishment to give em the incentive to change their rosters up a bit :p And I sure as hell wanna see EE wars become more normal xD more like they used to be in s1 and s2… I have decided to sit out this season just because of the messed up matchups… >_> it's taking away the fun of ee anyway……
  10. And good job cac ;D support to you too bro!
  11. DD I support the plan and hope more people are willing to chance things. I have lead my friends in wars and I focused on having fun and warring with folks I like more than filling with sh, we have had a really tough time of it but all of my friends took it and kept on coming back. This is a game it should be fun for all, I honestly can't speak for clans that use 10 sh as to if it's a fun war for them when they match a clan with 6 but on the side of the clan with 6 it's really rough and it does discourage friends when facing those odds war after war.
  12. I have wondered that myself. How much fun is it when almost every fight is a blow out? Ever play a video game where you can use cheats and make it impossible for the AI to even challenge you? I have and I didn't enjoy it.
  13. SUPPORT!! an respect to those that are willing to help the cause .
  14. Nicely said. I'd honestly like to get some good war clans without dropping my build. I'm sure my owner would destroy me if I did that too... Support.
  15. Let's bring the game back to the good times :) PvP to the people.. remove ee... less ebs..... then the good times will be achieved
  16. We appreciate all the support, but it will take more than saying "support" on this thread to make a difference. If you truly want to take action and be a part of the effort contact DD or myself. Change is gonna happen.
  17. @ Craig. I seriously hope that I am sensing sarcasm
  18. How are you going to differentiate between a small account and a player who has dropped build? There are those who intentionally choose to play small and enjoy the game too.
    And whom are you to tell me how to play "my game"?
    Careful; you don't hit somebody's alt in your witch hunt.
  19. Bushmaster what you bring up is a paralysis by analysis. Because you can't create perfect definitions and categories you should do nothing. And who is death dealer or cactus? Just two players appealing to other people who want to play their way too.
  20. I dont know what u are sensing but no im actually serious...