Let's bring the game back to the good times :)

Discussion in 'Wars' started by hacked_account_FOFF_Devs, Feb 20, 2014.

  1. @ King of Terror. The devs do not want people to keep their accounts small because that doesn't help their sales of xtals & nobs.

    As I stated before, you have no right to dictate to others how they should play their game.
  2. GH players have lower plunder and spend just as much $ on xsalts for we wars as anyone else. So i wouldn't t say that statement is true.

    And we are not trying to change their build really. Just trying to stop the manipulation of filling up a roster with GH builds.
  3. I never thought i was screwing anyone over by having my build in war. I thought everyone is given the choice to make a build according to what they like to do within the game. For example if i liked the eb i would have a bigger build. Or if i like the osw i would choose to be a hansel i supose. I like the ee so because the devs made it that sh make certain plunder and the clan needs certain builds to win then i am a team player and i build it. Yes it does feel personal. I am not sure how effective it is to farm the sh. It seems to me this is a situation that will not change unless the creators change something. And yes, i am naive about the history of kaw. I can say that farming me does not make me want to change my build. It only confuses me. Im sure to other sh it may only anger them. How is any of that going to make a change?
  4. DD, tigrrr , terror, those that have repeatedly hit me whos names i cant remember. Maybe you will have a better outcome if you can come up with ideas to what the devs can do to fix the problem. I always taught my children if they are going to complain about something i want to hear a solution as well.
  5. Queen, you keep talking about choice, but the point you seem to be missing is that 90% of kaw CANNOT WAR THE WAY THEY WOULD CHOOSE, because of how the sh build is being used in war. Mids and hansels CANNOT war. The only choice they have is to get creamed by either sh or lb.

    So pretty much it seems like your idea of a "choice" really means that everyone MUST become an sh to war. So sh or no war? Sweet! Goodbye last four years!

    The extreme use of your build is THE CAUSE of this ... With also of course the mighty and glorious LB players warring with stacked sh , who btw , have NO business having the word "leader" associated with their name. They are more to blame for this than you and they know it. But they're just playing the system as devs allow it.

    Sadly You are all pawns being used for others gain . And believe me , if and when devs ever fix this **** , the sh will fall by the wayside and only be referred to in the past tense, as there will be no use for then anymore.
  6. @ queen- we have proposed solution to be adopted by the community. It can be fixed without the devs.
  7. Ok choice maybe the wrong word. I tend to mix words up. I realize that the game is flawed. And a friend explained how wars used to be, where people could leave in the middle of war...and other crazy things. So as i see it, wars have drastically changed. And i believe will still change if people can give technical solutions. Im still getting farmed as we speak and i still dont see how farming me is a solution to something the devs have to fix. I wish i was a computer wizard and i could lay out a great format to offer the devs.
  8. Totally agreed with cloud, EE and eb made people soft, queen, it's a game, you play it to have fun, if this game make you sad in any way, quit it, like they said, farming is not bullying, so I farm few people, but the different between me and op is I don't like make people sad, especially myself, so I farm those who farm others, because I know they like it, and they will enjoy it, so you need to learn how to enjoy this game, stop play if it upset you. I hate eb, boring, I like EE, but my build sucks, so I will just have some fun myself. Remember, ENJOY it!!
  9. One more advice to queen, make this game your toy, don't make you the slave of this game.
  10. It sounds like good advice . Maybe you can farm the ones enjoying to farm me too :) it does not look like it will stop. I will not quit because i made friends now. I even have met some face to face. I was trying to understand how farming sh is going to change the game any and i still do not. But thats ok. I dont understand a lot of things. It seems to me that the efforts of tigrr dd and king would be better put towards giving the creators ideas on how to change the mechanics intead of hitting sh . Oh well. Time to stop beating that dead horse as they say.
  11. Yes and time to get back to laughing with my friends 
  12. February 17, 2014
    _RCA_ vs Ghost Legion

    In all fairness, are you now farming your own GH/SH?

    Checking your roster, you have a member posting vehemently on this thread about being anti SH and yet that member warred 2 accounts, one being an SH (SpiIatch) and you obviously actively OK'd the use of the SH. That's what is termed as hypocritical.

    If you want to vent your frustration over the developers poor system and begin a civil war conflict amongst players then please begin by farming your own to show us how "fair" you are going to be. I would also encourage you to begin your retribution on S26TR's pure spies and if you have the courage, all of the Leader Board players besides the SH. Oh wait, you said you can't. So it's the little guys, how courageous.

    I am certain that at any point of these EE wars, you yourselves have asked LB players to join you. Don't pin the "holier than thou art" badge too quickly on yourselves. War history is a simple look up to view your rosters.

    Take aim at the small, the weak, the "out of war" players. Show 'em what you got. Show 'em how big and bad you are. That will solve the dilemma of the developers diseased war system and those 90% so hard done by warriors that sit idly by, talking about "the good old days".

    This effort is mostly a witch hunt. Burn them at the stake. The SH did it. Lets rally round and hunt down the Frankenstein monster so we can war "our" way. You talk about "choices" mainly trying to dictate the only way is now "your way".

    Those winning clans using SH that adjusted still HAVE LOST WARS. Some other clans figured it out the strategic way, not your way. Should be more like the slogan "Outwit, Outsmart, Outplay", which obviously those that adjusted, have accomplished, until the developers correct their FLAWED PRODUCT.
  13. @wulfgar. Did you read the original post? I'm thinking you didn't. If you had you wouldn't be accusing anyone of hypocrisy. In the original post OP proposes that rosters have no more than 25% of the roster. The war you are picking on had 2 sh in it so your accusation is not legitimate.

    In regards to attacking the little guys. Have you considered that RCA has been farming R.Hawk sh? They certainly have some bigs there, right? They were willing to take the chance that this would have would have started an osw, which it still could and end up having to fight those bigs anyway.
  14. Damascus, we are not far from agreeing on certain things.

    I have read this current thread, top to bottom. I understand what the OP was suggesting on page 1. What frustrates me, as well as you I am sure, is the direction ATA's absolute "deer in headlights" canned responses to their broken product has gone.

    To further acknowledge I understand this thread, please have a look at one of my very few forum postings linked below dated February 2, 2014 (page 21):

    I posted in forums with regards to "parameters" developers could/should install to even "build ranges" on (for example) 20 person rosters. I will try to attach that link on this post.


    Players are frustrated, and I understand it. Truth is, season 3 is a deplorable mess for everyone. Punishing the GH/SH player base won't solve it or get you (or anyone else) back the first 6 weeks of wars. I think we're better working together in conversation with ATA/Developers than against one another as players. I understand OP's position and the spirit of this conversation on a players view of how to "fix" EE Wars, not destroy the player base.
  15. I like this Wulfgar guy.

    Please do everyone a favour and post more?
  16. It seems some are missing the point...

    It's nothing personal, we are just trying to change a flawed system by targeting the ones who have exploited it in the first place. If your being farmed because your in a certain clan, look to your leaders as to why. They are the ones that made the choice to stack a roster to where they were almost guaranteed a win. (Hence the exploit)
  17. Wolfgar 

    First off I am not a member of rca, I just agree with them.

    Second, how many sh were on that roster?

    Third, In no way have i ever argued for the EXCLUSION of any build. Only the ABUSE of them.

    Nice try though pal.
  18. @Wulfgar. I appreciate your more diplomatic tone.

    I agree that the SH/LB issue is a problem with the devs war system. I thought versa had the best input I have read when he/she said that the way the system works is it rewards a smaller kingdom more if it attacks and plunders a larger player. This is the mechanic that small builds like sh take advantage of.

    Yet the mechanic also works in their favor in the inverse. If I hit a small player such as an sh in ee war and I plunder what I make will be smaller than what the sh makes.

    I agree that either this or SOMETHING needs to fix the issue. However Kaw Admin has already announced there won't be any significant changes in the middle of the season. I am on a droid so its not easy for me to copy and paste a URL but the thread is titled "Official no match complaint thread" and its easily found in announcements forums. Its in the very first post and it's short.

    So we are stuck with the flaw. But it's not simply the devs fault that the season has been terrible. The clans putting rosters together with 10 sh or more and a handful of LB accounts are ripping the wound open so that it's gushing blood.
  19. It is my hope to discuss this amongst ourselves, and to unify and invigorate our common goal to better the EE War system side by side with ATA.

    First things first. My example in my previous thread was not meant to single out any one particular SH/GH. It was an example. Almost all clans have used them and I chose the first one I found on that roster. My apologies for putting a single name out there.

    I do not believe inciting a vigilante response within the gaming members will solve the current EE War platform. S3 will play out now. Lets focus on uniform helpful information for ATA to work with for S4 and beyond.

    This thread has shown something about "we, the players". We are passionate about this game. We all seek a fair solution for ALL PLAYERS and builds.

    1)The current EE system is undeniably broken.
    2)We, the players acknowledge that and wrestle with it.
    3)ATA also knows it's broken.

    What we, the players don't control:
    1)the algorithm
    2)hit ratio configuration
    3)matchup choices

    What we, the players do control (CHOICES):
    1)direct, concise, calm, intelligent feedback to ATA.
    2)individual builds
    3)team roster
    4)team strategy

    Currently there are consistently 25-40 clans actively trying their best to war within the confines of established "rules" set out by ATA.

    A "90%" number was tossed out as a guess as to how many players are now "unable" to war (which in truth is directly attributable to the current game system, not the players adjusting to the game rules).

    UNABLE? Keyword.

    No one anywhere says you cannot war your mid/hansel/hybrid/attack build! It's your CHOICE. Like using or being an SH/GH, it's a CHOICE. Nobody has removed that CHOICE that was inferred previously on this thread.

    If you want to war big, then do it! Prepare yourselves for other clans that also choose to war big. (ie: excellent big/no SH/GH teams such as ZAFT, Warlor, etc). Knock your socks off pounding the clans that go big as well! That'll provide plenty of spots for those "90%" not warring now! It would appear that there are certainly lots of clans that would prefer to not use SH/GH and go that route from the input on this thread. That's a CHOICE.

    The CHOICE to go the strategic smaller route and face excellent smaller rosters using SH/GH should remain a viable option in all fairness to all players.

    (FYI, even the best teams that utilize SH/GH/pure Spies have lost. That is not a 100% sure fire guarantee of a win every time out). The best of the best have lost this year.

    Team competitions play on a field with the same rules and conditions. Good teams adjust. Good teams never quit trying, big or small. Lets be honest here. IF you forced all the SH/GH builds to grow big, most teams would likely still get the same results because current winning teams employ more sound strategy and execution. If this wasn't true, no one would lose.

    Bottom line is to advocate taking our gaming concerns to the makers at ATA in a unified, educated, and literate manner so that they can make alterations to their gaming platform.
  20. Wulfgar... Great sentiments  Threads have been full of suggestions since season 2. And many emails ️ ATA does not lack feedback by any means.  There are currently 4-6 clans that war with less than 5/6 GH/SH. I think it's worthwhile to call out ---No Remorse---, that war with NO GH/SH and minimal LB players. Great respect to them. They lose some, they win some- but they war straight up  so KUDOS NR! But really at the end of the day- clans that war, win or lose-manipulate or not, deserve some respect  Seeing LB clans with no war history hurts my eyes ️