Let's bring the game back to the good times :)

Discussion in 'Wars' started by hacked_account_FOFF_Devs, Feb 20, 2014.

  1. Our issue is over roster manipulation.
  2. u can farm anyone that is in ur hit range lol
  3. Exactly. Don't need a reason, really...
  4. For the record... Most leaderboard players are defender too strong.. For me anyways.. So yeah... Sh's (silent hills, as I like to call them) are more accessible for myself, yet then again the stalking of leaderboard players wasn't ever an issue in the other seasons or the trails, it's only became an issue the last season where there is a huge contreras in clans and especially as the numbers only dropped to about 20 in each clan. Like in my opinion... If clans choose to only war with 20 accounts that should be their problem. Send them up against a clan of 100, If they choose to fill their clan full of silent hills, then send them against leaderboard players... So be it.. Why should it be "equal" especially when people choose to go out their way to get an advantage..
  5. We wrecked it, not them you dumbasses . Guess who asked for ee wars?
  6. Here you go for war 6:
    Perkutut Army with 12 GH & 4 LB
    ghost legion with 13 GH and 3LB
    Rising Hawks with 15 GH and 2 LB
    The Sweet Escape 12 GH and 3LB
    Udder Maddness 12GH and 2 LB
    Spartans of the Underworld 11GH and 3 LB

    Once again not all the clans are mentioned this is the worst of the lot.

    As for RH I give them credit they are the originals, rest are copy cats.

    Repeat offenders if you want to call them :lol:
  7. I'm sure I've already supported but support.

    Also LMAO to kamil on page one.
  8. :ugeek: Personally... the issue is not the sh/gh. It seems you have a problem with the current match up equations. personally my build was great in season 1... the need for my build with this new equation has become nearly obsolete, as the bigger accounts will rake me for plunder while the smaller accounts yield very low plunder for my build. i feel like there should be different signup sizes/ weight classes for ee wars. 20,30,40,50,60 even 75 man rosters would open up more opportunity for mid sized builds. with 10-20man rosters the bigs and the smalls matter the most. while with more fighters in a clan actually puts a much higher work load on the mid sized builds. on the down side this makes work for the wc/trackers much more frustrating and demanding. i would not blame those who have adjusted to the match equation, but in my opinion, rather those who refuse to adjust to changing equations receive the brunt. I did not drop my own build, buuut i also am not warring this season as i do not wish to hinder my clan mates on matches. These ee wars are more about creating teams that work well together. it is the same as many competitions... having a bunch of tanks or a bunch of soldiers is not enough to win a war. having a balanced squad with builds ready for specific tasks is necessary in executing a mission with less margin for error. strategy and team work and specialized builds win these wars. not just lots of random build types tossed together... :geek:
    "roster manipulation" or however you want to look at... put into lighter terms... seems appropriate to sum up as "strategic deployment" or "strategic selection"
    :geek: in a 20 vs 20 timed cage match, success is achieved thru tactful planning and precision. it is not simply won by throwing troops around blindly longing for a victory without consideration on the facts of what it takes to achieve a win, aaand what constitutes a loss. If losing is a reoccurring issue, i think it best to analyze your losses, and see who/what/where the failure(s) occurred.
  9. Open the rosters and make the wars longer... 
  10. This is so sad. Im getting farmed over "roster manipulation" and other peoples hatred of my build. Im getting flashbacks. Rewind 35 years ago when I was getting eggs thrown at me in school for being hispanic in a white school. Was I suppose to leave that school because they didnt like my build?
    The devs made the rules and we all have the choice to make the most or not of what they guve us to work with. I enjoy to war and so I make a choice to change my build to every time devs change things to each season. And now for that I get egged again. 
  11. @ queen

    Although I feel bad you were picked on for being different in the past, (sorry , and I'm sure you're a really nice person) but in this instance I have no sympathy.

    You chose to change your build to what is, for the most part, a build that is completely useless in all aspects of kaw OTHER than it being used(manipulated) to get easier ee matchups.

    Your clan has been doing this for going on two seasons , now the rest of the sheep of warring kaw have followed rh's example.

    Some people are just fed up. Sorry.
  12. @ Latin queen. You have 13 allies worth 3T. You have 128k wins with 4.5k losses. My guess is that you used to be about 8m CS before you tore your build down.

    Don't feel like you are being bullied. The devs allowed you to tear your build down to exploit the EE system.

    If your logic is that I am bullying you, then blame the same devs that allow you to exploit, for me being able to hit such a small player in a war game ️
  13. Actually you are wrong about my past build. Ive always been small but thats because im new to the gaming world ever. So maybe its just lack of knowledge. This is my first and only internet game ever in my life. I happen to meet with certain people that guide me from the start and came to trust their advice. I realize you all are in it for different reasons. A lot to bully others, i have come to learn. Im not in this game to bully anyone. I really do not understand why im getting hit. I hear many complain about the devs and manipulating builds and frankly i do not understand . I did not create this game and I am amazed and in awe of the intellegents it takes to be a great player in this game. I do not posess those skills. You may think im dumb that i do not understand why hitting the sh build will create a change. Maybe you are correct. All i see is i am being bullied for choosing a build the creators put out there. And it reminds me of the kids that use to throw eggs. In any case, the reason I am playing this game was to learn a hobby my husband has to get to know him better. As it turns out, I enjoy the EE . I dont deserve the eggs though .
  14. Queen wat is a bully according to u ? :roll:
  15. Ebs and ee have made people soft. How do u think people grew before them? Farming is not bullying.
  16. The devs said it themselves. They did not mean for Players to stay at GH builds. They want growth. GH is a good beginners build. But when you abuse it for others things. Thats when people get annoyed. You may call it bullying, be we see it as change.
  17. I think a bully is someone who taunts or hurts someone else . I did nothing to the people farming me . I didnt even mistakingly hire an allie off of them.
  18. So as i am understanding then, the hits to me are so that i change my build?
  19. Queen obviously you seem to be unaware of the fact that clans are using builds like you, and using a lot of them , to screw over other clans in war. Maybe a lot of sh are naive to this . The use of your build in this manner is ruining the warring experience for 90% of kaw. You are feeling the repercussions of this . It's nothing against you personally .