LETALIS REGNUM deserves better than WILDERTROY78

Discussion in 'Wars' started by OMETOTCHTL1, Dec 23, 2012.

  1. Sorry but if I hit you I bet you will rage so hard like the person who made this thread lol
  2. That's what has been
    Happening, I believe _lies_ is taking care of tea and wilder is wanted by many right now.
  3. Oh lord, we even have Jas in here talking trash.

    It would take him a year to get out of dtw, considering how slow he is.

    Jas, there's a difference between hitting small players, and hitting small players who betrayed your clan and talked ****.

    But I guess you're a bit too slow to realise that eh?
  4. But you won't hit me Tea.

    Incompetent morons like you are just as good as the monkeys, you push a couple buttons, but you don't have any further clue of what the hell you're really doing.

  5. I doubt I'll rage in the slightest. I war every weekend and look for 1v1s a lot.
  6. Solid analogy anarchy. 
  7. Wilder is constantly dtw... Through all times of the day and nights it seems, but open to steals...

    Seems a bit dodgy...
  8. Look at you all chest beating. Stop posting on this forum thread and prove that your tough.
  9. Lol u rage every weekend what!
  10. LOL is that what _lies_ told you LOL he or she is a BIG joke he or she has been "farming" me for almost a day and has only token like 10mil so that's a HUGE FAIL so next time don't say "_lies_ has got Tea" cu he dosent LOL ITS ALL LIES
  11. Yes of course. Try speaking with true statements, this isn't a 7th grade argument.
  12. Well he's done more than you tea.

    I actually think my monkey analogy was decent, so I'll use it again... I'm starting to think that tea is a bit of a human degenerate, more a primate we evolved from.

    Monkeys like to make a lot of noise, really, rather meaningless, meanwhile they sit at the top of a tree, untouchable.

    Sounds a lot like you Tea...

  13. I'd say 10mil is a big win
    Seeing as that's all the gold you had.
  14. And it all goes quiet...
  15. No sorry I went to my real life that I know you don't have seeing that you respond at the second and no I have 978mil thx for trying  and patience is the true killer LOLZ
  16. Patience is worthless if you can't play the game and you're to weak to hit back.
  17. I'm not talking trash, I'm pointing out no amount of chest-pumping will make you look bigger or brave for farming somebody who is 20x smaller than you, not really trash IMO
  18. I'm slow because I'm trying to figure out how you farming somebody 20x smaller than you makes your rep bigger, I guess it's just the norm now.
  19. I have no life.

    Damn that one hurt.

    Come on Tea, we know you were off with mummy and daddy opening your Christmas presents.
  20. I'm not trying to act tough  and I'm not farming him if you would have taken my
    Advice to learn to read, I said "_lies_ is taking care of him"