Let this thread die. Nobody cares about it. And if you have an issue, then you can take it up with me.
Yo wildertroy78 I dnt know bout everyone else but I am currently stripping ur clan me and my friends .we don't care for ur cf or ur clan disbanment we wont to hear u scream bro, u will reset I hate u with a passion. If u had any pride or cared for ur members,u would have left the clan
U keep pinning urself dnt care whole clan got to go bro. It fibres me joy to watch IR fails in my news LOL. U can only do so much wit warbeast. Happy kawing and thick for direct link to u hahhahu blocked me so I can still hit u LOL and I will show SMS of me and my bro giving u day buisness
Just thought I'd post just to keep it Alive Merry Christmas peeps I'm so enjoying farming wildertroy best fun I've had for ages