legion of Rome versus "the racist".

Discussion in 'Wars' started by deano187, Nov 14, 2012.

  1. if this is the same deano who used to be in VooDoo...Have fun making him surrender :lol: you will have to wait a looooooooooooooooooooong time :)
  2. Same one, different account 
  3. 1. I think you're trying to use the "I was J/K" cop out to make us look like a bunch of uptight jerks who can't take a joke.

    2. Whether you were joking or not is irrelevant for two reasons. First, sarcasm can't be conveyed through text. Second, some people have boundaries they don't allow to be crossed - even if you were j/k.

    You don't know what a person has been through to make them sensitive to certain phrases.

    3. You said "IDGAF about getting hit in a war game, or what anyone's opinion of me is."

    If that's true, then why did you make this thread? Why are you trying so hard to justify your position and demonize us if you don't care what others think of you?

    4. Now you have made your bed. I get attacked for stuff I've said in forums and WC regularly. Do you see me crying to my clan for help or making a thread about it trying to justify my position by demonizing the other side? No! I just shut the **** up and fight till we both feel we've proven our points.
  4. What clan do you see me crying to? Who do you see me walling for help.
    If I want to post a war thread in a war game I will do just that and I will post whatever and whenever i feel like it while putting whatever spin on it that I choose too.

    I've refrained from posting the ss of the utter crap that has come out of one of your members in my pm, because I can't be arsed to trawl through photobucket.

    You think this thread was serious? The one trill ceasefire? The being made sammiches?

    Every post you ever make sounds like you have a huge stick up your ass, which I already handed to you once before touch_me!

    and judging by some of your clan mates responses I guess birds of a feather do flock together

    Every war thread I have ever posted or created has been with the sole purpose of getting action. You don't like it? Leave the thread, don't open it 

    Relax and enjoy life you'll live longer
  5. So the person is a Jew doesn't mean you have to point it out. I can see exactly where they are coming from for calling you racist. If you don't then you need to stop kidding yourself.
  6. So south park is racist correct?
  7. My point is that you care.

    You didn't need this thread to get action. You needed it to gain the favor of those who read it.
  8. It's a statement of fact, he is quite open about his Jewishness, it's not like I suddenly outed him for being a secret Jew.

    I didn't use the word "Jew" in a derogatory way at all, seriously some people are so ******* stupid.
  9. The same could be said for your continued response 
  10. I'm not denying that I care what others think about me. I DO care what they think.
  11. This thread started out like so many and has taken a twist into hilarity... Op is warming up to me...
  12. This is funny stuff. Big shout to all our friends and family here 
  13. Ya I'm the person who has been opened stripped ad farmed and have no sdp but I guess that just me
  14. Lol weezus I agree
  15. Lol deano... I like your cf demands! Quite funny, You honestly think your gona own our whole clan haha gd luck with that! Shout out to all my family and friends at LoR
  16. Knowing this noob he will probably own me cause I have no money for pots
  17. This noob already did own you every time my one attack build pins you or when I don't even need pots to run several bars on your ass after buying your crappy allies 

    Yes yes courage, I'm the noob 
  18. @ touch_me

    Trust me I've known Dean along time  he don't cry to no one. His posts are funny and informative and I think anyone labelled as a "racist" has every right to make a thread.

    for the record Dean should he wish to ask for help (not that he would or clealy even needs it) would get ALOT of old friends from across kaw offering but that ain't how he plays... He don't care about same things others do in game.

    My honest advice regardless of your clans size or whatever is to apologise via pm or come to some terms and move on cos Dean don't play like most so he won't just go away or beg for cf. This has the potential to be a long drama saga lol
  19. Please post the screen shots, I want to read them...
  20. Pinning is easy. Keeping pinned is difficult. Don't pride yourself on pinning someone bigger than you. Pride yourself on keeping someone pinned.