I didn't realize he was alpha just seen war with fox not against.. I didn't have my donkey glasses on o_o
Why would LOR surrender? Lol your just some little noob cake that will be a perm farm just like some other people.
Not an alt. and I seen the ss of convo pmsl at them op is here for fun and war not stats. Love ya weez love ya dean
No I'm not an alt lol, however, this isn't my first account. As I already stated, this started with lor members hitting me and puking in pm about me being a racist. The thread was aimed at poking a bot of fun back at them. Everyone is always pissing and moaning about there not being enough war in kaw, too much pve etc etc, and as soon as someone with not the "required stats" to war makes a war thread everyone jumps on the noob bandwagon Idgaf about getting hit in a war game, or what anyone's opinion of me is Adore
Support. People take this game too seriously nowadays. If you see such a comment in wc, then dont just jump to conclusions. Far too common nowadays. OP doesnt play for stats, just for fun and war. Think again if you want an apology from him. Also, Lol. Low losses means noob? Seems you havent done enough resets.
Can I has a sammich before u stop making them? Support to op, wreck some **** ..play your game, and I hate that u can't make a simple joke without people freaking out
Courage has now had 2 leaving forum threads, several apology threads and was opened on WC several times within last 24 hours lol