Legend of KaW - Feather's Version (Feedback)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by FeatherHunter, May 26, 2012.

  1. Cant tell I'f youre laughing with or at me... So I shall sing. Ra ra Rasputin.....
  2. I thought there was an update... -.-
  3. There is. The post before rally
  4. I'm saying that you're not Tolkien.

    In his instance, the writing is good, fitting the story well. In this, there's too much of it. It's like putting Shakespearean text over a story about the future.
  5. I have no idea what you're talking about. Everyone else thinks the story is wonderful.
  6. Arrogance, Feather. Arrogance.

    I kind of get what cheese is saying...
  7. What do you mean arrogance?
  8. Nah, not arrogance. Maybe assumptions…
  9. Not bad. Pretty good. Not exactly what to say ATM to make it better. Maybe I'll reread it later.
  10. Jay, idk y u r getting so much hate on chapter 2. I LOVE IT. the entire set up of the story, character development, details, everything is astounding. Keep it up!
  11. Chapter One, Part One Tigris. I don't know why either...
  12. Didnt make sense when i read it but i was tired then>.> ill reread it today
  13. Ahhh. I'm having fun writing about someone who MIGHT be the real stora... Hahahahaha.
  14. I don't get it... o_O
  15. Lol I'm not like that in RL. I tend to dream up fantasies up I what I might wish I was like.
  16. I hope thts not the ending.. it could keep going for 3 more chapters