Learning your Devs

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by _ZE_Castiel_MP_, Sep 10, 2015.

  1. Lol see, Attack on Titan is hands down, my favorite anime.

  2. Google is your friend.
  3. So little work gets done in that office
  4. I'm probably drawing a blank on some old classics, but of recent ones I can recall IR really did enjoy Cloud Atlas.

    Also, I've eaten way too many potatoes. But they're good with everything.

    I really do love getting the chance to work with our players and help the developers better understand why certain decisions make sense and why others don't. As for improvements, definitely love to see more ways to get players interacting with each other.

    We've got a few pictures on our website :)

    I was late to the Attack on Titan party and thought it wouldn't be for me. After a bunch of friends wouldn't stop recommending it I checked it out and loved it.

    Any current anime this season you're enjoying?
  5. @Kaw_Com We should still be able to disconnect it regardless no? I have an ATA account already. And trust me my password is very very hard
  6. @kaw_com how big is ATA? like are there hundreds of people who work in this big building?
  7. Dearest Kaw_Com,

    Most, if not all, of use have a "fix" to get us through the long hours of a days work.

    Mine is coffee and snickers bars.

    What do y'all keep around at the office to keep you going through out the day?

    Coffee, iced coffee, mocha frappe, chai tea.... A kuireg coffee machine.. Red bull, Monsters, the new non carbonated monsters,Chocolate... Ect

    Sincerely, Twinky.

    Unfortunately during the jousting event my horse was fatally wounded, Romper Stomper.

    Would i need to contact ata's insurance or let my people get in touch with your people?
  8. Kaw_community, what is your opinion about the state of our environment?
  9. Kaw_com do you watch big brother? If so who's your favorite person?
  10. Dear KaW_Community,

    Yes, players CAN engage in PvP at any time, but the problem is that most won't, simply because they would rather gain some gold than have fun, and when players try to engage, the other will simply outgrow them. The other question is, what do you think about the hit ranges?
    If I were to say 'aloha' 3 times, each meaning a different thing with corresponding emoji, would it be considered spam?
    What is your favourite thread of all time?

  11. Hey Kaw_Com

    Do you still love me? (shhh I don't spend much monnnaaayyy) lol
  12. kaw comm... what color is ur ferrari or is it a lamborghini?
  13. Oh their not doing any work... Hey KC which 1 is u???
  14. Here, we have a whiny KaW player in their natural environment. Always complaining, yet still partaking of the fruit.
  15. lol ok show me 1 complain...
  16. Dear Kaw_Com

    Have y'all ever thought about developing a non-gaming app?

    Also, ever think of doing cross app wars?

    Like PIMD vs Kaw vs S.M.A.S.H vs a shark?
  17. Vs. a shark 
  18. ATA started out as a social messaging company.
  19. I'm actually not sure how public I can be with that information, but we're a pretty decent size though certainly not hundreds of people.

    Drinks: Depends on how much sleep I got the night before and what the weather's like. If I'm tired or it's cold out nothing beats coffee. If it's hot out I drink water with cutup lime in it.

    Snacks: Chocolate covered raisins

    We've certainly been seeing some crazy weather the past few years.Was the first summer here where I debated actually purchasing an air conditioner.

    I don't :(

    You're right that many players simply go after the pursuit of gold, but the option to have fun and go after players or clans in PvP and OSW is still there for those who really do want it. As for hit ranges, I'm probably not the best to comment on them as the game designers do work to balance this and have their reasons for choices such as this.

    For Aloha, sadly our moderators cannot read minds and all experiments to imbue them with superpowers have failed. The radioactive sludge simply coloured their names green.

    Favourite thread...KAW T-SHIRT DAY


    Transparent. I... I think I lost it somewhere. Can you help me find it?

    That picture's actually from before my time.

    We certainly did begin as a social messaging company, and we continue to integrate social messaging and elements into all of our games we make now. That said, we're focusing primarily on games right now.

    Cross-app wars, players have actually tried doing a few times with interesting results.
  20. I'd like to remind everyone this isn't the place to ask questions relating to KaW.
    If you'd like to do that, the feedback button and supports email are available.

    Onto my next question:
    Kaw_Creative, or Kaw_com could you ask Kaw_creative, what is the one thing you (or your team) have created that you are most proud of?