Learning your Devs

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by _ZE_Castiel_MP_, Sep 10, 2015.

  1. Devs do you like a dead game or a thriving game?
  2. Based on devs comment about iPhone & Mac, seems pretty understandable why kaw isn't being fixed
  3. Why not code games in Unity? Wouldn't it make it easier (after the fact) to release then for Computers, Android, and IPhone?
  4. Any dev... What is your favourite combo at subway?
  5. While I'm not a programmer myself, Unity has its own pros and cons. While it's quick to bring things to multiple platforms it's not as open to building your own systems and implementing them. When we make a game we look at the options available and make use of the one that makes the most sense at the time.

    Uhh... I haven't been to subway in years.
  6. How long does it take to come up with just the idea of each equipment? (Name, drawing, stats, etc.)

    How about actually implementing it?
  7. Dearest Developers,

    Is it hard to come up with ideas to keep the game fresh? Or do you have multiple things planned out in advance?
  8. Makes sense, do you have a release date for "New" android games?
  9. Bump because bump
  10. Dear KaW_Com

    If you could ever see a KaW console or PC game of any other genre, what would it be?

    Such as WoW type MMORPG, or, heaven forbid, an FPS. Can you imagine what a horror show that would be? Unless it was an Elder Scrolls sort.
  11. Bethesda purchasing Kaw confirmed?
  12. Confirmed.
  13. Now since kaw_com has replied I would like to ask Politely...I seriously mean no offense...I dont want to be rude either...

    Just as your game user, I just wanted to ask the devs...
    Don't you think you'll are going too far for money??

    I know you might be pulling your hair currently!!

    I expect a sincere answer :=)

    EDIT : Lol i forgot to thank ML_Castiel_ML for this lovely idea and thread!!
    We are surely learning our devs and for the first time knowing what they think about the game...
    Today, my affection for this game has increased because of this thread =)
    Edit(2) : Corrected spelling errors =P
  14. My alt did a survey and it seemed to be a 50/50 split with some noob saying PC I took the vote.
  15. Another question.. couldn't resist the feeling =P

    Do you consider growing your in-game stats??
    If no, why??
  16. It's a face account, doesn't need starts, could one hit strip anyone they wanted if they were so inclined
  17. Totally a racing game!

    But in all seriousness, the world and lore surrounding Kingdoms at War would work best with an MMORPG. Imagine a massive 2D/3D world with quests, epic battles, and raiding other people's kingdoms!

    Honestly, as with any Free to Play game there's a close balance between making money and providing players an awesome experience for free. As a company we do need to make money, though most benefits we offer are simply accelerations, and other players can reach the same point for free (though it will take longer).

    We've also been evaluating our events, and you'll see over the past few months we've become much more generous with rewards and tiers. We've also been giving out a fair amount of free Health Crystals and other items just for playing.

    There will always be things to spend on, but you shouldn't ever feel like you have to spend on them to play and enjoy the game on a daily basis.

    I could, but my hands are almost always busy with a million different tasks. If there were more of me (anyone have a cloning machine by any chance?) I'd love to spend the time to grow.
  18. I have a question for KaW_community and KaW_Creative. Idk if you have been watching VGAs (Videogame Awards) or any of those sorts, but there are a ton of games coming out for this year and I have to ask, what games are you excited to see come out so you can have the best experience playing it? (i.e. Final Fantasy VII, Kingdom Hearts 3 'I don't think its coming out this year but if it is, awesome' WoW Legion)
  19. Hello kaw_community :)

    Do any of a thinking ape play any of the games? Or do you play like all the games or do you only play the games you develop yourselves? What's the general gist? I've always wondering :D
  20. To any Devs willing to respond. How do you feel about the recent downfall of RedStar? Do you think it'll make any major changes? And who do you think will win, Zaft or Apocalypse? We all know you're going for someone.