Learning your Devs

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by _ZE_Castiel_MP_, Sep 10, 2015.

  1. Statless
  2. Red is admin.
    Cella is creative.
  3. Bump because I see you Dev :D
  4. How long can you keep chicken in a fridge?
  5. Kaw accounts aren't devs. They're managers, not developers. They manage the need of their clients and that's all. You know that poetry speech in every sort of inscription? That's probably made by them, but the essentials od this game are made by those who get to work on game mechanics, that is, the developers. ATA is a company, and as all companies, it has divisions of its workers, covering different aspects. Get used to it. "Kaw_" accounts aren't devs. Devs are ppl like you and me who have a private life and don't mingle in conversation with their clients.
  6. I love when people post their wrong opinions. It cheers me up.
  7. Roses are red
    Violets are blue
  8. Only until the traffic clears.
  9. Lel untill sharks walk
  10. Admins are red
    Vks are blue
  11. Kaw we love u
  12. I heard Devs used to kaw, rh had a few. Bumb allegedly is one I remember. Think they got put off their own game tho (lol ironic or nah) 
  13. Maybe it's my lack of being on forums for so long, but I believe it's frowned upon to bump your own thread.
  14. Probably is, but I'll wait for an official warning before I stop.
    As long as you're here, ask the devs something. Give my bump purpose.
  15. I have a list of questions, unfortunately all of them violate the rules of this thread lmfao.
  16. Devs,
    Do you prefer iPhone or android and why?
  17. Or PC?
  18. I personally prefer iPhone. While some Android phones may win in raw specs, iOS has been optimized and works very well with the hardware. Though we've got an ongoing debate between everyone here over iOS/Android.

    Mac :p
  19. We have so much in common Creative! I mean, well that's probably all that we have in common :cry: