Learning your Devs

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by _ZE_Castiel_MP_, Sep 10, 2015.

  1. Please you never need to make another thread.
  2. Im pretty sure everybody is having the same issue
  3. I've honestly had a few questions I would love to have answered myself! Not sure which developer would best answer these question but I'll welcome answers from any! :D
    1. I'll start with the most important question! As someone who loves statistics and revels in the details of data, I often love looking at information that games provide about their players. Are there any plans for ATA to do something cool with some of that data? An API maybe for open collection of data? Since it's currently against the Terms of Service to record anything. :( I would love to be able to do some cool statistical analysis with builds and war data but doing so by hand would hardly give me a sample size large enough to forge a strong statistical footing!
    2. What other games do you guys find popular in your leisure time? Is there any specific game that ATA employees enjoy playing together, besides ATA games of course!? Cough, League maybe? Cough.
    3. Do employees at ATA engage in any kind of LAN parties after hours? If yes, then I'm curious how often?
    4. This next question might be a bit more business related, but what language do you guys use most often? I can assume Objective-C and/or Swift are important but are there any other programming languages you guys use? A specific flavor of DBMS? I understand if you skip this one because of trade secrets or for security reasons. :)
    5. Lastly I have a few questions about your hiring! Is there anything specific you guys look for in picking up interns/new employees? Would you hire someone right out of school without experience but graduated top of his/her class? Would you value a masters in a specific field of computing, mainly NetSec/Applied CompSci/Analytics, more than others? Do you prefer someone who is more game design oriented or someone who thinks closer to the metal, but has a knack for game design?
    6. Finally, the age old question, for loops or while loops?

    Thank you for your time,
    Harrian aka data junkie
  4. I've been wondering this forever...
    If creative is female, I've seen one particular female in various pictures from ATA that I definitely think would be creative.
    But, its the internet. Girls aren't real.
    So there goes that theory.
  5. Hi kaw_community!

    I would like to ask you some questions; Do you have any plans for KaW in the future, any new content that you're planning to release (except new events)? Are you going to make a road map of what will happen with KaW further?

    Many people have noticed the epic battle now called "???". When will this one be released, or was it a bug/mistake?

    I hope you will answer these questions. Thanks in advance! :D
  6. What is your favourite V for Vendetta quote? That's the only important question
  7. People shouldnt be afraid of there goverment the goverment should be afraid of there people
  8. Through all my time on the internet, I've found this to be the most true, and thus my favorite quote.

    1. Not at this time. While there are those who may simply be curious and enjoy poking around at data there are others who may use this data in less than honest ways. There's also a lot of data that just wouldn't make sense without fully understanding how the systems work behind the scenes.

      I don't really want to get into the third-party side of things, but I can say some people have been known to spend their lunches playing certain types of MOBA's. I've never been able to get into them though.

      We have board game nights every so often but not LAN parties as far as I'm aware. Again some people do play during their lunch hour though.

      I can't get into too specific of details on what we use, but some of our jobs do list having "made something cool with Python, Objective-C, HTML5, Redis, ZeroMQ, or Mongrel" as a requirement :)

      Honestly there aren't any hard and fast rules for hiring. The most important things to consider are if the applicant is able to work in our type of environment and fit with company culture; how they're able to apply and expand upon their knowledge; and their passion. Not only do we want the best talent, but the best people as well.

      We do take on a few co-ops each term, and have in the past hired them as soon as they've completed their education.

      Having said that, our interview questions can be pretty intense, and some say it rivals some of the biggest names out there in tech.

    Uh... uh... I NEED A DEVELOPER D:

    We've got some new stuff on the way, but beyond that I can't say much just yet.

    As for a road map, i's unlikely that the development team will provide one at this time. While we have provided these in the past part of developing for a live game is that things can and do change. Schedules shift and as such things in a roadmap may either be delayed or scrapped entirely. While we were behind schedule with our last roadmap as we had to focus on other things at the time this led to negative experiences of our players who had come to expect certain content. In the end though if you look at the past roadmap we actually did make a majority of it happen.

    It's been way to long since I last saw the show, so I honestly have no idea. Sorry :(
  9. Not a show lol its a movie
  10. creative does it bother you that this wasn't supposed to be kaw related questions and 99.99% of questions are kaw related
  11. It certainly bothers me. But the number of questions has been controlled, certainly not 99% of them have been about kaw, so I'm allowing it for the time being. If it gets out of hand I'll ask them to leave and request that posts be removed.
  12. Don't know V for Vendetta quotes? Get out.
  13. Same thing :p

    Eh, it's going to happen, and I've tried to answer the ones that come up as best I can. People are always curious about the games they love!
  14. Kaw_c: So can i have ur autograph on my wall!
    *Pretty please* :D?
  15. Me too

  16. NuuNuu i asked first! :( Now we will get ignored!
  17. Kaw com is kaw creative mystery solved
  18. At kaw_c would you rather be eaten by a chicken nugget or be a chicken nugget and get eatened?
  19. Dear KaW_Community,

    Which game has your favourite artwork?
